DS/CDMA 시스템의 개선된 MMSE 다중사용자 검파기 성능분석

Performance Analysis of Advanced MMSE Multi-User Detector for DS/CDMA systems

  • 감두열 (삼성전자 정보통신총괄 무선 사업부 소프트웨어개발부)
  • 발행 : 2000.10.01


In this paper, the performance of the MMSE multiuser detector is compared with the conventional detector with respect to the signal-to-noise ratio, the number of users and the Nakagami parameter under AWGN as well as Nakagami fading channel. The results show that the MMSE multiuser detector is superior to the conventional detector with respect to cancelling the multiple access interference. However, its drawback is the hardware's complexity. To solve this drawback, the advanced MMSE multiuser detector is presented, and its performance is analyzed. The number of taps in the advanced MMSE multiuser are independent of the processing gain. Thus, the system engineer can choose the appropriate number of taps in the detector to achieve a optimal trade-off between the hardware complexity and the performance of system.



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