새로운 탈수측정 설비를 이용한 탈수 특성 평가

The Evaluation of Drainage Characteristics Using a New Drainage Tester

  • 김용식 (신호제지(주) 중앙연구소) ;
  • 원종명 (강원대학교 산림과학대학 재지공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.09.01


The MDDA (Modified Dynamic Drainage Analyzer) was developed to evaluate the drainage characteristics on paper machine. The initial forming vacuum velocity was decreased with the increase of stock consistency and there were no significant effects of the applied vac-uum. On the other hand the initial forming drainage velocity was rapidly decreased with the increase of stock consistency above the 0.35 bar of applied vacuum. The final drainage time and wet web permeability showed similar trends under 0.075% consistency but increased rapidly at the higher consistencies. SFR(Specific Filtration Resistance) and drainage obtained for different vacuum level applied and deposited weights measured by using MDDA showed the linear relationship.
