- Journal of Structural Engineering v.118 no.9 Hysteretic behavior of anchorage slip in R/C members Saatcioglu, M.;Alsiwat, J. M.;Ozcebe, G.
- 한국지진공학회 논문집 v.2 no.1 횡방향 철근의 구속효과를 고려한 반복하중을 받는 철근콘크리트 부재의 비탄성해석 유영화;최정호;신현목
- 한국지진공학회 논문집 v.4 no.1 반복하중을 받는 철근콘크리트의 쉘구조의 비선형 해석 김태훈;유영화;신현목
- Journal of Structural Engineering v.110 no.8 Cracking in reinforced concrete analysis Gupta, A. K.;Akbar, H.
- ACI Journal v.82 no.6 Constitutive model for cracked concrete Cervenka, V.
- IABSE Colloquium Delft Tension stiffness model under reversed loading including post yield range Shima, H.;Tamai, S.
- The Response of Reinforced Concrete to In-Plane Shear and Normal Stresses Collins, M. P.;Vecchio, F. J.
- Journal of Structural Engineering v.114 no.8 Theoretical stress-strain model for confined concrete Mander, J. B.;Priestley, M. J. N.;Park, R.
- Journal of Structural Division v.106 no.5 Strength and ductility of tied concrete columns Sheikh, S. A.;Uzumeri, S. M.
- 대한토목학회 논문집 v.20 no.5-A 등가환산단면을 이용한 원형 철근콘크리트 교각의 비탄성 해석 김태훈;유영화;신현목
- Journal of Structural Engineering v.97 no.7 Flexural members with comfined concrete Kent, D. C.;Park, R.
- Journal of the Faculty of Engineering v.39 no.2 Micro and macro models for bond behavior in reinforced concrete Shima, H.;Chou, S.;Okamura, H.
- Journal of the Faculty of Engineering v.40 no.1 Contact density model for stress transfer across cracks in concrete Li, B.;Maekawa, K.;Okamura, H.
- Proc. of the Ninth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering v.Ⅶ Ductility evaluation from laboratory and analytical testing Park, R.
- ACI Journal v.86 no.1 Seismic shear strength of circular reinforced concrete columns Ang, B. G.;Priestley, M. J. N.;Paulay, T.
- Report of Public Works Research Institute v.190 Seismic design method of reinforced concrete bridge piers based on dynamic strength and ductility Kawashima, K.;Hasegawa, K.;Nagashima, H.;Koyoma, T.;Yoshida, T.
- Journal of JSCE v.8 no.390 Study on deformation capacity of reinforced concrete bridge piers under earthquake Ishibashi, T.;Yoshino, S.