- 경상분지에서의 지진연구(Ⅲ) 지헌철;류창하;신인철
- 경상분지에서의 지진연구(Ⅳ) 지헌철;류창하;신인철
- 지진공학연구 지헌철;이희일;전정수;김동균;박정호;김근영
- Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. v.74 A model for the shape of the Fourier amplitude spectrum of acceleration at high frequency Anderson. J.;Hough, S.
- 지질학회지 v.31 한반도의 지각구조에 관한 연구 김성균
- 추계학적 모사법을 이용한 한반도 남부에서의 강진동의 연구 조남대
- Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.30 no.3 Estimation of peak ground motions in the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula(Ⅰ): estimation of spectral parameters Noh, M.;Lee, K.
- Jour. Eq. Eng. Soc. Korea v.3 no.1 Development of attenuation equations of ground motions in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula Park. J.;Noh, M. ;Lee, K.
- Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. v.77 Lg attenuation and source studies using Miramichi data Shin, T. C.;Herrmann, R. B.
- Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. v.82 The shape of ground motion attenuation curves in southeastern Canada Atkinson, G.;Mereu, R.
- 고체지구물리학 김성균
- J. Geophys. Res. v.75 Tectonic stress and the spectra of seismic shear wave from earthquake Brune, J. N.
- J. Geophys. Res v.76 Correction Brune, J. N.
- Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. v.77 Stable determination of (Brune)stress drop Snoke, J. A.
- 5th Maurice Ewing Symp. Earthquake Source Mechanics, Proceedings Objective determination of source parameters and similarity of earthquakes of different size Andrew, D. J.
- Geophys. Res. v.85 A moment magnitude sacle Hanks, T.;Kanamori, H.