웹 기반 시스템에서 효과적 모델관리를 위한 메타지식

Meta Knowledge for Effective Model Management in Web-based System

  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


Diverse requirements of users on web-based model management force a system agent to develop user-adaptive building a model in reality and providing an adequate solution method of the model. The relationship between models is important knowledge for the agent to effectively build a new model to adaptively adjust an existing model under a problem and to efficiently connect the new model into an adequate solution method. Since the generating process of the inter-model relationship is more difficult than the building a new model however the process mostly depends on the knowledge of operation research experts. Without the adequate scheme of the inter-model relationship the burden of the management for the agent increases rapidly and the quality of the services may worsen. This study shows that meta-knowledge generated from relationship between models is important for the user to build a model in reality and to acquire the solver appropriate to the model. The relationship that consists of common and exclusive objects between models can be represented by frames. The system under development to implement the idea includes user-adaptive ability which identifies a model through forward chaining method and searches the solver appropriate to the model by using the meta knowledge. We illustrate the meta knowledge with an applied delivery system in supply chain management.



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