Emotionally Charged Field Dynamics of Lived Space

생활 공간의 정서적 장역학

  • 김영철 (계명대 건설시스템 공학부)
  • Published : 2000.05.01


Lived space, i.e. space as we experience it in our mundane life, does not exist independently of material objects: it is defined, delimited and made sensible by them. Concrete spaces so manifest are not sterile and neutral homogeneous voids. Not only do they interact with material objects but also influence our feelings and behaviour, constituting emotionally charged fields. This field dynamics of space is readily observed in the phenomenon of place as well as in the etymology and usage of the word 'place'. Each space is pervaded by a particular mood or atmosphere in accordance with its size and shape as well as with the perceptual properties of its constituent objects. Moreover, within each space the atmosphere also changes depending on the location. Space then can be thought of as a nonhomogeneous field of emotional energy. The fact that one is attracted to some places and repulsed by others may be described as one's being subject to invisible forces of pulls and pushes, attractions and repulsions. Out spatial environment is therefore a field of forces of varying directions and magnitudes.



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