주거환경을 생각한 주택단지 조성기법의 실태 -일본 소야원지구의 사례 연구-

Current Techniques for Residential Site Design -The Case of Onohara District, Japan-

  • 발행 : 2000.01.01


The main purpose of this paper is to provide useful infonnation for residential site design in Korea by analyzing Japanese case. The important characteristics of Japanese design techniques are follows. First, the characteristics of residential site development can be expressed as "eco-friendly" and "public order". The patterns of spatial use also focuses on living environment improvement. Second, variety replaces unity in internal mobility plans. For example the width of street, size of park are not same in a site boundary. Third, to avoid street parking and commodity exhibition, commercial buildings are set-back and public parking lot is constructed. Fourth, fences of private house are made of trees rather than bricks. It connects green environment between internal and external space of houses.nal space of houses.



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  2. 團地計劃 金哲洙
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  4. 대한건축학회논문집 v.10 no.8 주택단지 내부의 상업시설 입지와 주거환경에 관한 연구 김한수
  5. 대한국토 · 도시계획학회지 v.29 no.3 주택단지 내부의 상업시설 공급수준과 분포특성에 관한 연구 김한수
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  7. 한국주거학회지 v.8 no.3 주거단지내의 주거환경개선방안에 관한 연구 김한수;송흥수
  8. 계명대학교 산업기술연구소 논문보고집 v.19 no.2 지역시설의 공급수준에 관한 연구 김한수;양민화
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  14. 基本建築關係法令集 (財)日本建築技術者指導センタ―
  15. 日本建築學會 近畿支部硏究報告集 韓國と日本の都市における單位人口當りの施設數について 金漢洙;栢原士郞(外)
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  18. 日本建築學會計劃系論文報古集 土地區劃整理による計劃されたNew-townにおける地域施設發生の豫測方法について 金漢洙;岡田光正;栢原士郞(外)