실내식물의 오존 반응

Ozone Response on Indoor Landscape Plants

  • 허정희 (상명대학교 원예조경학부) ;
  • 방광자 (상명대학교 원예조경학부) ;
  • 설종호 (김천대학 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate Ozone which we have to contact in our daily lives. Recently Ozone becomes a serious pollutant in the inside and outside. To select th indicator plants or the purifier plants for air pollution caused by ozone, this stud has been conducted with interior landscape plant of 10 species. The results are as follows; 1) The visible demage by Ozone was firstly observed on Viburnum awabuki among 10 species, and it occurred after the lapse of 10, 8 and 4 hours on 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 ppm ozone treatment, respectively. The first symptom of visible demage appeared on chlorosis or blotting of leaves, then progressed on necrosis of leaves. 2) On the other hand, Litsea japonica and Ardisia japonica were so resistant against Ozone fumigation that they were not demage independently of Ozone concentration till the lapse of 60 hours. 3) Chlorophyll contents were decreased by the increased Ozone concentration. At this time, grana destruction was observed. The most sensitive plant to ozone was Viburnum awabuki, and we suggest that Viburnum awabuki would be possible one to use for the indicator plant. The most resistance plant to Ozone was Litsea japonic and Ardisia japonica, we suggest that Litsea japonica and Ardisia japonica would be possible to use for the purifier plant for Ozone pollution.



  1. 한국대기보전학회지 v.8 식물의 대기오염 내성증대에 관한 연구 구자형
  2. 한국대기보전학회지 v.9 no.1 실내공기오염에 관한 소고 김윤신
  3. 국립환경연구원보고서 환경오염식물지표법의 개발연구(I) 박재주;김재봉;이우길;배정오;고경석;이경재;이용범;김정규;최만식
  4. 실내조경학 이종석;방광자;원주희
  5. 실내 공기 오염과 건강 위해도 평가에 관한 연구 환경공해연구
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