생물지역계획 이론의 적용가능성

An Applicability of Bioregional Planning Theory

  • 장병관 (대구대학교 자연자원대학 원예조경학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.10.01


The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept, general framework, planning process of bioregion, and bioregional impacts on landscape planning of future and to discuss the application possibility of landscape planning. Bioregionalism is defined in the course of following: knowing the land, learning the lore, developing the potential, liberating the self. Bioregional paradigm was composed of policy system insisted on diversity and decentralization based on region and community, sustainable economy structure focused on conservation and stability, and society structure through cooperation with common consciousness in the community. A general bioregional framework was organized to be able to achieve a sustainable future with interaction for humans being, other living things, and important earth life system. Bioregional mapping should be able to explain three important aspects about how localised and sustainable cultures would exist: to define the external boundaries, to describe forces of energy, and give a hint for th productive capability. In conclusion, according to the result of reviewing the total environmental planning, bioregional paradigm, examples of projects, technique of bioregional mapping, and actions of Nongovernmental Organizations(NGOs). this study is helpful to show an applicability of bioregional planning theory in Korea



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