원주의 등분할에 의한 전통구조물의 평면구성기법분석에 관한 연구

An Analysis on Techniques of Moulding of Korean Traditional Structure and Architectures through Equal Subdividing Circumference Methods

  • 발행 : 2000.08.01


Studies on the principle of traditional moulding techniques of architecture or structure are very important in the point of the work could accomplish succession to modern design. As an attempt of these work, this study tried to examine traditional moulding techniques applied in planes of ancient architecture and structure closely. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows; It was verified that planes of ancient Korean architectures and structures analyzed in this study was moulded by its multiple partitions with the six or eight partitions of circumference as the fundamental form. The well unearthed in kyong-bok palace recently was moulded by a concentric circle assumed form of 4 circle which was extended with equal interval and divided into multiple of 8 partition of circumference. Chon-duk-jung in chang-duk palace also was moulded by a concentric circle assumed form of 3 circle extended with equal interval, but circle were divide by 6 partitions. It was also found that 6$^{\circ}$§8 partitions of circumference(or its multiple partition) was applied to not only above structures but also the moulding planes of ancient architecture, and as a results, figures revealed in architectures analyzed is classified into three classes. And, this study analyzed arrangements of two temples. As a results, it is discovered that the Grid used in moulding planes of each building fixed the arrangement of buildings. Therefore, moulding by equal partition of circumference decided the form of each building and the relation of element at the same time.



  1. 한국건축사 강해작
  2. 한국 건축의 역사 김동욱
  3. 한국목조건축의 기법 김동현
  4. 黃金分割. 柳 亮 유길준(역)
  5. 한국의 였 조형의미 송민구
  6. 한국의 전통건축 장경호
  7. 한국건축양식론 정인국
  8. 한국문양사 황호근