A Study on the Chinese Palace System and the Palace Structure of Choson Dynasty

중국의 궁실제도와 조선시대 궁궐의 영역분할에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2000.08.01


The research follows several steps. First, the chinese 'WangSung' and 'KungSi' System are verified positively. Next, the structure of palace in Choson Dynasty is deduced based on those chinese systems. Finally, the common system that is also applied in other government-operated spaces is found. The result can be summarized as follows. It is clarified from reviewing the chinese 'WangSung' and 'KungSil' Systems that the 'OyoiCho' is located in 'WhangSung(the imperial city) but out of' KungSung(the palace). Therefore, the research points out that all sort of theories explaining the 'OyoiCho' of Choson Dynasty is a space of 'in-place' are false. The palace system of Choson dynasty seeks the substantiality grounded on the substantial function of 'SamCho(three spaces)' rather than its strict principle dividing main spaces by several doors-'KungMoon' Moreover, it is also certified that the 'ChonChoHooChim' system, literally the political court is located at the front and the private section is at the other(back) side, is directly applied on the palace of Choson Dynasty. This idea has been developed into 'inner and outer' concept and repressed in palace as the 'OyoiChon(outer palace) and NaeChon(inner palace)' concept. conclusion, the research suggests that the dual concept in space such as 'ChonHoo(front and back) and 'NaeOyoi(inner and outer)' basically comes from 'Eum Yang' theory and influences in building other government-operated spaces: for example 'ChongMyo(the royal ancestors shrine)', 'SoWon(a private school of Choson dynasty), 'HyangKyo(a local school annexed to the Confucian shrine)' and 'KwanAh(a governmet agency)'



  1. 중국 도성제도의 이론 賀業鉅;윤정숙(번역)
  2. 주례고공기(초) 국토개발연구원
  3. 조선시대 건축의 이해 김동욱
  4. 서울시립대학교 대학원 조경학과 박사학위논문 전통공간의 구성원리에 관한 연구 김영모
  5. 한국의 유교건축 김지민
  6. 중국도성발달사 董鑒泓;성주탁(역주)
  7. 궁궐건축 樓慶西;한동수(번역)
  8. 중국 고전건축의 원리 이윤화;이상해(번역)
  9. 궁궐지 v.1 서울학연구소
  10. 궁궐지 v.2
  11. 조선왕조실록중 서울관련기사색인
  12. 사서오경 유정기(감수)
  13. 한국의 궁궐 이강근
  14. 정신문화연구원 부속대학원 석사학위논문 경복궁에 관한 건축사적 고찰
  15. '94 서울학세미나 Ⅱ 발표논문집 조선시대의 궁궐건축계획
  16. 홍익대학교 대학원 건축학과 박사학위논문 조선시대 감영의 건축적 구성의 상관성에 관한 연구 최영철
  17. 동궐도 한국문화재보호협회
  18. 동양조경사 한국조경학회
  19. 중국고건축·원림감상입문 한동수
  20. 정도전 사상의 연구 한영우
  21. 서울대학교 대학원 국사학과 박사학위논문 조선왕조 궁궐경영과 양궐체제의 변천 홍순민