도시공원의 기온에 영향을 미치는 요인

Factors Affecting Temperature of Urban Parks

  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting temperature of urban parks to grasp the relationship between the land coverage in open space as well as the forest condition and decreasing city temperature by difference of purposed are. Futhermore, this research interpreted the relationship between wind direction, air temperature, the land coverage of the green space, the number of tree, green volume, height of tree and the mitigation of city temperature with the revolution analysis. The result of this study is that cool air in open space move leeward and decreasing city temperature is influenced by the difference of the land coverage in open space. Specifically, in order of the arbo $r_{-a}$rbor in the forest zone, the increase of the number of trees was related with temperature surrounding significantly. This study found that the use possibility of the green volume was recognized as the index of the green volume relative to air temperature surrounding. Green space of the city control area is more effective decreasing temperature than that of housing zone.



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