Influence of Interiorlandscape in Commercial Spaces on the Management Benefits

상업공간 실내조경이 경영적 효과에 미치는 영향

  • 김수연 (서울여자대학교 원예학과) ;
  • 이종석 (서울여자대학교 원예학과)
  • Published : 2000.06.01


The purpose of this study is to examine influence of interior landscape in commercial spaces on the management benefit. In the course of this study, objects of survey were selected from interior landscaping specialist, manager and consumer who had experiences to visit to the hotel, bank, department store and restaurant. The main method of data collection was interview, questions and gathering materials. The cronbach's alphas program was used to measure the reliability of likert scales. The analysis program was applied a statistical methods. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: The factors considered by consumer who visits to the commercial space are design, interior landscape, traffic, parking capacity, cleanness, price, kindness of employee and event. Factors concerned with the product include branch size, traffic, parking capacity, kindness of employee. Factors concerned with facilities include branch size, traffic, parking capacity, kindness of employee. Major factors of those effects to management benefit are accessibility, time of stay, sales, efficiency of space, attractiveness and difference. In conclusion, overlap style gets the highest degree of satisfaction among total factors. Results of the survey show that factors which improve sales are overlap style and planter type. Among four commercial spaces, hotel is most effected by interior landscape. To enhance the sales of hotel, further study of interior landscape about hotel necessary. For bank and restaurant, further study of economic planter type and style is necessary. For department store, optimal use of spaces and case of maintenance are necessary.



  1. 증권사 영업장의 실내디자인연구 노대우
  2. 한국 대형소매기관 경영성과 결정요인 분석-백화점의 판매예측모형개발을 중심으로 박두규
  3. 그린 비지니스 쉬리바스타바
  4. 실내조경디자인 원주희
  5. 실내조경 이영무
  6. 다변량분석 이영준
  7. 서비스마케팅 이유재
  8. 실내조경 설계기준에 관한 연구 이창혁
  9. 패스트푸드점의 실내공간디자인에 관한 연구 조경래
  10. 사무소 건축설계의 office landscaping 기법에 관한 연구 조남일
  11. 호텔경영론 최풍운
  12. 그린시대의 환경마케팅 최헌배
  13. 소비자심리의 이해 홍성태