지형, 지세가 성곽축성 높이에 미친 영향 -수원화성을 중심으로-

The Effects of Geographical Features and Configuration on the Height of Castle Wall - The Case of Hwasong in Suwon City

  • 박춘균 (상명대학교 대학원 환경자원학과) ;
  • 이재근 (상명대학교 환경원예조경학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


The main purpose of this research is to show the consideration of the geographical effects related with its features and configuration on the height of the wall in Hwasong. The method of this research is based on old documentary records and actual measuring. The result of this research is to take advantage of nature geographical features and configuration. First the castle of wall construction is based on outside defensive protection, mainly it was made of stones or bricks. And took advantage of its natural environment. According to circumstance, there were two kinds of general method to build the wall., Second It was considered, They had so many difficulty to move stones to build wall, especially to rugged hilly steep mountain. Third There were three kinds of stones to build wall, Bottom stones were piled with Big stones, because of its stability. Third There were three kinds of stones to build wall, Bottom stones were piled with Big stones, because of its stability. On top of the wall was built with small stones it shows good harmony with small, middle, big size stones. It is considered not only stability but also beauty of appearance. Fourth Placing ChiSung was able to adjust height of wall low at the same time it was also taken advantage of a active defensive power. The suggestion of this research is to take advantage f nature geographical features and at the same time it was a perfect way to save the cost of construction. The further research of this should be continued to deepen because, it is the early stage, so it is maningful of eoffering a guidance for the furder research. in this research has a number of important question remain unsolved.



  1. 수원성 복원정화지 경기도
  2. 수원성 김동욱
  3. 건축가 no.7월 수원성곽-정조와 18세기 건축문화를 중심으로 김원구
  4. 한국정원문화 민경현
  5. 사학지 no.16 조선전기 성곽기능고찰 방상현
  6. 북한산성지표보고서 서울대학교 박물관
  7. 북한지(영인본) 성능
  8. 문화재 no.17 성곽의 의치해석에 관한 고찰 손영식
  9. 전통과학건축 손영식
  10. 한국성곽의 연구 손영식
  11. 화성성역의궤(국역본) 수원시
  12. 수원의 화성 신영훈
  13. 화성영건에 관한 연구 - 화성성역의궤에 나타난 건축생산체계를 중심으로 양윤석
  14. 삼국시대 성곽연구 이원근
  15. 전통의 원 정재훈
  16. 동양조경사 한국조경학회