도시녹지의 에너지절약 및 대기 $CO_2$ 농도저감과 계획지침

Energy Saving and Reduction of Atmospheric $CO_2$ Concentration by, and Planning Guideline for Urban Greenspace

  • 조현길 (강원대학교 건축·조경학부) ;
  • 이기의 (강원대학교 건축·조경학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.02.01


Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas causing climate change. This study quantified annual direct and indirect uptake of carbon by urban greenspace, and annual carbon release from vegetation maintenance and fossil fuel consumption. The study area was whole Chuncheon and Kangleung, and also two districts of Kangnam and Junglang in Seoul, cities located in middle Korea. Carbon uptake by urban greenspace played an important role through offsetting carbon release by 6-7% annually in Chuncheon and Kangleung. For Kangnam and Junglang, where the population density was relatively higher, urban greenspace annually offset carbon release by 1-2%. Future possible tree plantings could double annual carbon uptake by existing trees in urban lands (except natural and agricultural lands) of a study city. Based on study results, planning and management guidelines for urban greenspace were suggested to save energy and to reduce atmospheric $CO_2$ concentrations. They included selection of optimum tree species, proper planting location from buildings, design of multilayered planting, amendment of existing regulations for greenspace enlargement, avoidance f intensive vegetation maintenance, and conservation of natural vegetation.



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