견실 PID 제어기 조정기법 및 BLDC 모터의 속도제어기 설계에의 응용

Robust PID Controller Tuning Technique and Applicationi to Speed Controller Design for BLDC Motors

  • 발행 : 2000.08.01


This paper is a study on robust PID controller tuning technique using the frequency region model matching method.To design the robust PID controller satisfying disturbance attenuation and robust tracking property for a reference input first an {{{{ETA _$\infty$}}}} controller satisfying given performances is designed using an H$_{\infty}$ control method, And then the parameters(proportional gain integral gain and derivation gain) of the robust PID controller with the performances of the desinged H$_{\infty}$ controller are determined using the model matching method at frequency domain. in this paper this PID controller tuning technique is applied to PID speed controller design for BLDC motors. Consequently simulation results show that the proposed PID speed controller satisfies load torque disturbance attenuation and robust tracking property and this study has usefulness and applicability for the speed control system; design of BLDC motors.



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