Modal Analysis of Suspension System with Kinematic Constraints and Elastic Elements

기구학적 구속조건과 탄성요소를 가진 현가계의 모드해석

  • 이장무 (정회원, 서울대학교 기계설계학과) ;
  • 강주석 (정회원, 대우자동차(주)) ;
  • 윤중락 (정회원, 서울대학교 기계설계학과) ;
  • 배상우 (정회원, 서울대학교 기계설계학과) ;
  • 탁태오 (정회원, 강원대학교 기계공학과)
  • Published : 2000.01.01


In this Study, the dynamic equation for vibration analysis of mechanical systems with kinematic constraints is derived. This equations are derived in terms of small displacements of Cartesian coordinates, and are applied to compute the dynamic response and the natural modes of the suspension system of a vehicle. The results are validated through the comparison with the results from conventional nonlinear dynamic analysis and modal test.



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