- Endocrinology v.76 Failure of the deciduomal response to utreine trauma, and effects of LH upon estrogen secriton in rats with ovaries luteinized by exogenous gonadotrohins Armstrong D;Greep R
- Abnormal development of the conceptus and its consequences Arthur GH;Noakes DE;Pearson H;Parkinson TJ
- Infectious forms of infertility incattle Arthur GH;Noakes DE;Pearson H;Parkinson TJ
- JReprod v.42 Pregnancy-terminating effect of hyman chorionic gonadotrophin in rats Banik UK
- Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand v.60 Spontaneous perforation of pyometra with diffuse peritonitis Bostofte E;Legarth J
- Vr Vet J v.148 Pyometra in camels: case report Chauhan RS;Kaushik RK
- Jap J Vet Res v.23 O group of Escherichia coli from canine and felinepyometra Chio WP;Kawata K
- Science v.197 no.4299 Clomid or nafoxidine administrated to neonatal rats causes reproductive tract abnormalities Clark JH;McCormack S
- Am J Obstet Hynecol v.143 Prolonged intrauterine retention of fetal bones after abortion causing infertility Dawood MY;Jarrett JC
- Veterinary Record v.143 Uterine bacterial flora and uterine lesions inbitches with cystic endometrial hyperplasia (pyometra) Dhaliwal GK;Wray C;Noakes DE
- Current Therapurtic Research-Clinical and Experimental v.58 Therapeutic effects of herbal medicines(juzen-taiho-to and ryutan-shakan-to) in a rat intrauterine infection(pyometra) model Mikamo H;Kawazoe K;Izumi K;Sato Y;Tamaya T
- Interantional Journal of Antimicrobial Agents v.8 Therapeutic effects of cefluprenam (CFLF) on polymicrobial infections associated with Ecterodcoccus faecalis in rat pyometra medel Mikamo H;Kawazoe K;Izumi K;Hachiy S;Satoh M;munakata K;Tamaya T
- Chemotherapy v.44 no.1 In vitro and in vivo antibacterial activities of a new carbapenem BO-2727 for use in obstetrics and gynecology Mikamo H;Kawazoe K;Izumi K;Sato Y;Tamaya T
- Chemotherapy v.44 Therapeutic dffects ofeefozopran on polymicrobial infections assiciated with Ecterococcus faecalis in a ratpyometra model Mikamo H;Kawzoe K;Sato Y;izumi K;Tamaya t
- Chemotheray v.44 In vitro andin vivo antibacterial activities of AM-1155 in the fields of obstetrics andgynecology Mikamo H;Kawazoe K;Sato Y;Hayasaki Y;Izumi K;Tamaya T
- Infect Dis Obstet Gynccol v.6 Studies inthe pathogenicity of anaerobes, especially Prebotella bivia, in a rat pyometra model Mikamo H;Kawazoe K;Izumi K;Watanabe K;Ueno K;Tamaya T
- Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand v.74 Intrauterine retention of fetal bones after abortion Radestad A;Flam F
- Anat records v.145 Deciduomata formation in intact, immature rats and ingypophysectomized.;immature rats bearing pituitary grafts of treated ith prolactin Rennels E;Guillet G
- Endocrinology v.79 Observations on the ultrastructure of the Iuteal cells from PMS- and PMS-HCG-treated immature rats Rennels E
- Infertility in the cow Roberts SJ
- Infertility and reproductive diseases in bitch and queens Roberts SJ
- Obstetrics and Gynecology v.93 Pyometra associated with retained products ofconception Sam C;Hamid MA;Swan N
- Hum Toxixol v.7 Effects of extendedfeeding of decoceinized erythroxylon coca leaves on growth and selected organs in rats and rabbits Valentine JL;Fremming BD;Chappell RH;Stephen PM
- Endocrionology v.83 Interruption of pregnancy in the rat and gamster byadministration of PMS or HCG Yang WH;Chang MC
- Biol Reprod v.1 Porlonged gestation in the PMSG-treated immature rat Zarrow MX;Clark JH;Roelling C;Denenberg VH