개 자궁축농증에 대한 임상학적 연구

Clinical Study of Canine Pyometra

  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


This study was conducted to examine the prognosis of canine pyometra after surgical treatment in terms of their clinical indications, hematology and serum chemistry. A total of 20 bitches diagnosed as pyometra after physical examination was hospitalized at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Seoul National University, during the period of 1998 to 1999. After examining all profiles, ovariohysterectomy was performed to treat pyometra. All bitches had clinical symptoms of general depression, polyuria/polydipsia, anorexia and abdominal distension. In hematologic profiles, 65% of bitches had higher level of leukocyte count compared with normal level, but RBC and PCV values maintained within the normal ranges in most pyometric bitches. In serum chemistry profiler, ALT and ALP values were increased over the normal range, and BUN and creatine values were higher than normal ranges only in 10(50%) and 3 bitches (15%), respectively. Survival rate after ovariohisterectomy was 90% (18/20), but bitches that had higher ALT, ALP, BUN, creatine and potassium than normal values were died after surgical treatment. The results of this clinical investigation show that the recovery of pyometric bitches after ovariohysterectomy can be prognosed by hematologic and serum profiles including ALT, ALP, BUN, creatinine and potassium.



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