- The Thorax. ;Small animal radiology and ultrasound(2rd ed.) Burk RL;Ackerman N
- Emphysema. Decision making in small animal radiology Farrow CS
- Pulmonary parenchymal diseases Hawkins EC
- The canine lung Lamb CR
- Chest Muliple pulmonary air fluid levels as presentation of congestive heart failure Lewis JD
- The American Journal of medicine v.84 Lung bullae with air-fluid levels Mosquera Pestana JA
- Thorax(noncardiac). Radiographic interpretation for the small animal clinician(2nd ed.) Owens JM;Biery DN
- Handbook of small animal practice Pulmonary parenchymal disorders Prueter JC;Hamilton TA;Morgan RV(ed.)
- Pnemothorax in the dog Valentine AK;Smeak D