- Vet Surg v.15 Coxofemoral luxation in the dog and cat Basher AWp;Walter MC;Newton CD
- Vet Surg v.13 Traumatic coxofemoral luxation in dogs: Results of repair Bone DL;Walker M;Cantwell HD
- Vet Ann v.14 Recurrent coxofemoral luxation in the dog Denny HR;Minter HM
- Proceedings of the 89th Annual AVMA Meeting A method of pinning for chronic dislocation of the hip joint Devita J
- JAVMA v.130 The use of Kirschner wire in maintaining reduction of dislocations of the hip joint Durr JC
- JAVMA v.113 Animal bone surgery dislocations of the hip Garbutt RJ
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.177 Recurrent coxofemoral luxation in fifteen dogs and one cat Hammer DL
- JAVMA v.143 Repair of coxofemoral luxation in the dog and cat by extension of the acetabular rim Helper LC;Schiller AG
- J So Afri VMA v.34 purse string fixation of coxofemoral luxations Hemsmeyer LL
- VM SAC v.66 Trochanteric pinning procedure fot reduction of coxofemoral luxation Horne RD
- JAVMA v.123 An operation to preserve the continuity of the hip joint Knowles AT;Knowles JO;Knowles RP
- Orthopedic surgery of the dog and cat(2nd Ed.) Leonard EP
- Multiple fractures of the pelvis. Olsen ML