- Laboratory Animal Science v.43 propofol in rabbits 2. Long-term anesthesia Aeschbacher G;Webb AE
- Acta vet Scand v.37 Comparative responses to propofol anaesthesia alone and with а₂adrenergic medication in a canine model Bufalari A;Short CE;Giannoni C;Vainio O
- Anesthesiology v.79 Effect of propofol infusion on splanchnic hermodynamic and liver oxygen consumption in the Rat. Carmichael FJ;Crawford MW;Khayyam N;Saldivia V
- British Journal of Anaesthesia v.60 Hemodynamic changes during anaesthesia induced and maintained with propofol Claneys MA;Gepts E;Camu F
- The Veterinary Record v.140 Effects of tiletamine/zolazepam premedication on propofol anaesthesia in dogs Cullen LK;Reynoldson JA
- British Journal of Anaesthesia v.69 Propofol anticonvulsant activity in experimental epileptic status De Riu PL;Petruzzi V;Testa C;'Mulas M;Melis F;Caria MA;Mameli O
- British Journal of Anaesthesia v.64 Study of the possible interaction between fentanyl and propofol using a computer controlled infusion of propofol Dixon J;Roverts FL;Tackley RM;Lewis GTR;Connel H;Prys-robers C
- Am J Vet Res v.58 Cardiopulmonary effects of propofol infusion in llama Duke T;Egger CM;Ferguson JE;Frketics MM
- Journal of Small Animal Practice v.37 Romifidine as a premedicant to propofol induction and infusion anaesthesia in the dog England GCW;Andrews F;Hammard RA
- JAVMA v.211 Use of propofol-isoflurane as an anesthetic regimen for cesarean section indogs Funlquist PME;Nyman GC;L Fgren AJ;Fahlbrink EM
- Anesth Analg v.66 Disposition of propofol administered as constant rate intravenous infusions in humans Gepts E;Camu F;Cockshott ID;Douglas EJ
- British Journal of Anaesthesia v.63 Cardiovascular effects of propofol in the anaesthetized dog Goodchild CS;Serrao JM
- Anaesthesia v.40 The haemodynamic effects of intravenous induction Grounds RM;Twigley AJ;Carli F;Whitwam JG;Morgan M
- Journal Small Anim Pract v.28 A clinical trial of propofol infusion anaesthesia in dog Hall LW;Chambers JP
- Journal of Veterinary Anaethesia v.21 The effect on medetomidine premedication upon and propofol induction and infusion anaesthesia in dog Hammand RA;England GC
- The Veterinary Record v.24 Medetomidine as a premedicant for ketamine, propofol or fentanyl anaesthesia in dogs Hellebrekers LJ;Sap R
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Cardio-Vascular and respiratory effects of propofol administration in hypovolemic dogs Ilkiw JE;Pascoe PJ;Haskins SC;Patz JD
- Veterinary Surgery v.24 The effects of consecutive day propofol anaesthesia on feline red blood cells Jacqueline LA;Thomasn KD;Deborah GD
- Anaesthesia, Veterinary Surgery v.22 Cardiovascular effects of a continuous two-hour propofol infusion in dogs, comparison with isoflurane Keegan RD;Green SA
- Drugs v.35 Propofol-a review of its pharmacokinetic properties and use as an intravenous anesthetic Langley MS;Heel RC
- Verterinaryb surgery v.26 Anesthesia in sheep with propofol or with xylazine-ketamine followed by halothane Lin HC;Purohit RC;Powe TA
- ACTA Anesthesiol Scand v.43 Prolonged dysequilibrium between blood and brain concentration of propofol during infusion in sheep Ludbrook GL;Upton RN;Grant C;Martinez A
- Anaesthesia v.42 Propofol for intravenous sedation Mackenzie N;Grant IS
- Veterinary Surgery v.24 Evaluation of propofol as a general anesthetic for horses Mama KR;Steffey EP;Pascoe PJ
- Am J Vet Res v.56 Effect of chloramphemcol on infusion pharmacokinetics of propofol in greyhounds Mandsager RE;Clark CR;Shawley RV;Hague CM
- postgraduate Medical Journal v.61 The induction of anaesthesia with propofol(('Diprivan')compared in normal and renal failure patients Morcos WE;Payne JP
- The Veterinary Record v.124 Clinical evaluation of propofol as an intravenous anaesthetic agent in cats and dogs Morgan DWT;Legge K
- Anaesthesia v.43 Propofol for induction of anaesthesia in children Morton NS;Wee M;Christie G
- British Journal of Anaesthesia v.66 Effect of I.V. anesthesia with propofol on drug distribution and metabolism in the dog Mouton PS;Whelan E;Shay S;Wood AJJ;Wood M
- A J Vet Res v.59 Respiratory depression and apnea induced by propofol in dohs Muir IIIWW;Gadawski JE
- British Journal of Anaesthesia v.75 Effects of graded infusion rate of propofol on cardiovascular haemodynamic, coronary circulation and myocardial metabolism in dogs Nakaigawa Y;Akazawa S;Shimizu R;Ishin R;Yamato R
- British Journal of Anaesthesia v.70 Pharmacokinetics of propofol administrated by infusion in dogs undergoing surgery Nolan A;Reid J
- Veterinary Drug Handbood Plumb Donald C
- British Journal of Anaesthesia v.69 Effect of graded infusion rate of propofol dog Puttick RM;Kiederricks J;Sear JW;Glen JB;Foex P;Ryder WA
- A J Vet Res v.59 Cardiorespiratory and anesthetic effects of propofol and thiopental in dogs Quandt JE;Robinson EP;Rivers WJ;Raffe MR
- J Vet Pharmacol Ther v.16 Propofol as an induction agent in the goat. a phamacokinetic study Reid J;Nolan AM;Welsh E
- Research in Veterinary Science v.61 Pharmacokinetics of propofol as an induction agent geriatric dogs Reid J;Nolan AM
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Cardiopulmonary, anaesthetic, and postanesthetic effects of intravenous infusions of propofol in Greyhounds and non-Greyhounds Robertson SA;Johnston S;Beemsterboer J
- Anesthesiology v.71 Propofol : A new intravenous anesthetic Sebel PS;Lowdon JD
- Anaesthesia v.65 Pharmacokinetics of propofol infusion in patients with cirrhosis Servin F;Cockshoot ID;Farinotti R;Haberer JP;Winckler C;Desmonts JM
- Anesthesiology v.69 Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of propofol infusion during general anesthesia Shafer A;Doze VA;Shafer SL;White pF
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.32 Excitatory movements in a dog following propofol anesthesia Smedile LE;Duke T;Taylor SM
- JAVMA v.202 Adverse effects of administration of propofol with various preanesthetic regimens in dogs Smith JA;Gaynor JS;Bednarski RM;Muir WW
- Am J. Vet Res v.55 Hemodynamic and analgesic effects of propofol infusion in medetomidine-premedicated dogs Thurmon JC;Ko JCH;John Benson G;Tranquill WJ;Olson WA
- Canine Practice v.20 Clinical appraisal of propofol as asn anesthetic in dogs premedicated with medetomidine Thurmon JC;Tranquilli WJ;Ko JCH
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Median effective dosage of propofol for anesthesia in dogs Watney GCG;Pabol LS
- The Veterinary Record v.23 Induction of anaesthesia in dogs and cats with propofol Weaver BMQ;Raptopoulos D
- anesth analg v.68 Clinical uses of intravenous anesthesia and analgesic infusions White PF