- Korean J Vet Res v.39 Strain differentiation of canine distemper virus by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis An DJ;Song JY;Lee JB;Park JH;Shin JG;Kim YH;An SH
- J Vet Diagn Invest v.6 Canine distemper epizootic in lions, tigers, and leopards in North America Appel MJG;Yates RA;Foley GL;Bernstein jJ;Santinell S;Spelman LH;Miller LD;Arp LH;Anderson M;Barr M;Pearce-Delling S;Summers BA
- Canine distemper virus In: Virus infections of carnivores Appel MJG
- Nucleic Acids Res v.17 PCR-based CDNA libraries at the level of a few cells Belyavsky A;Vinogradova T;Rajewsky K
- Fields vIrology(3rd ed.) Vernard NF;David NK;Peter MH
- Vet Microbiol v.37 Studies on manifestations of canine distemper virus infection in an urban dog population Blixendrone-Moller M;Svansson V;Have P;Orvell C;Appel M;Pedersen IR;Kietz H;Henriksen P
- Distemper In. Infectious disease of wild mammals(2nd ed.) Budd J;Davise JW;Karstad LG;Tramer DO
- JAVMA v.169 Vaccine-induced canine distemper in Lesser Panda Bush M;Montali RJ;Brownstein D;James AE;Appel MJG
- The respiratory system in pathology of domestic animal(4th ed.) Dungworth DL;Jubb JVF;Kennedy PC;Palmer N
- Canine distemper. In: Veterinary virology(2nd ed.) Fenner FJ;Gibbs EPJ;Murphy FA;Rott R;Studdert MJ;White OO
- J Vet Med Sci v.58 Epidemiological observations on recent outbreaks of canine distemper in Tokyo area Gemma T;Watrai T;Akiyama K;Miyashita N;Shin YS;Iwatsuki K;Kai C;Mikami T
- J Vet Med Sci v.57 Serological survey of canine distemper virus infection using enzyme-liked immunosorbent assay Gemma T;Miyashita N;Shin YS;Okita M;Mori T;Iwatsuki K;Mikami T;Kai C
- Schweizer archivfur Tierheilkunde v.127 Staupepidemic in der Schweiz: epidemiologie und impfanamnese Glardon O;Stockli R
- J Med Virol v.30 Detection of measles virus genomic sequences in SSPE brain tissue by the polymerase chain reaction Godec MS;Asher DM;Swolveland PT
- J Gen Virol v.72 Detection of phocid distemper virus RNA in seal tissues using slot hybridization and the polymerase chain reaction amplificaiton assay: genetic evidence that the virus is distinct from canine distemper virus Haas L;Subbrarao SM;Harder T
- Vaccine v.13 Phylogenetic evidence of canine distemper virus in serengeti's lions Harder TC;Kenter M;Appel MJG;Roelke-Parker ME;Barrett T;Osterhaus ADME
- Canine distemper virus. In: Pathology of domestic animals(4th ed.) Jubb KVF;Kennedy PC;Parmer N
- J Vet Med Sci v.55 Use of B95a cells for isolation of canine distemper virus from clinical cases Kai C;Ochikubo F;Okita M;Linuma T;Mikami T;Kobune F;Yamanouchi K
- Proc Natl Acad Sci v.85 Diagnosis of chronic myeloid and acute lymphocytic leukemias by detection of leukemia-specific mRNA sequences amplified in bitro Kawasaki ES;Clark SS;Coyne MY;Smith SD;Champlin R;Witte ON;McCormick FP
- Korean J Vet Res v.39 Detection of canine distemper virus(CDV) in canine peripheral blood mononuclear cell(PBMC) by on step RT-PCR and nested PCR Kim YH;Youn HY;Shin IS;Han HR
- J Gen Virol v.72 The nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid composition of the haemagglutinin and fusion proteins of the morbillivirus phocid distemper virus Kovamees J;Blixenkrone-Moller M;Sharma B;Orvell C;Norrby E
- Practical small animal internal medicine(3rd ed.) Leib MS;Monroe WE
- J comp Pathol v.108 Pathology and epidemilogy of canine distemper in raccon dogs(Nyctereutes procyonoides) Machida NK;Kiryu K;Ohishi E;Kanda E;Izumisawa N;Nakamura T
- Vet Microbiol v.44 Characterisation of morbilliviruses isolated from Lake Baikal seals Mamaev LV;Denikina NN;Belikov SI;Volchkov VE;Visser KIG;Fleming M;Kai C;Harder TC;Ljess B;Osterhaus ADME;Barrett T
- JAVMA v.231 Serum distemper virus and parvovirus and parvovirus antibody titers among dogs brought to a veterinary hospital for revaccination McCaw DL;Thompson M;Tate D;Bonderer A;Chen YJ
- Science v.264 New virus variant killed serengeti cats Morell V
- Science v.241 Wound macrophages express TGF-alpha and other growth factors in vivo: analysis by mRNA phenotyping Rappolee DA;Mark D;Banda MJ;Werb Z
- J Gen virol v.64 The proteins of Morbillibiruses Rima BK
- J Vet Med Sci v.57 Detection of canine distemper birus nucleocapsid protein gene in canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells by RT-PCR Shin YS;Mori T;Okita M;Gemma T;Kai C;Mikami T
- 농사시험연구보고 v.7 한국견에 있어서의 디스템퍼의 분포와 생독변역에 대하여 강병직;이현수;권혁진
- 농시논문집(가축위생편) v.33 한국진도견 질병조사 연구 김두희;신전호;박준철;이재진;위성환;강영배;김종만;정석찬;김자숙;이태욱;오철수
- 농업논문집 v.38 너구리의 개디스템퍼 感染 病例 報告 김재훈;황의경;박수원;손현주;서일복;김대용;배유찬;최상호
- 수의과학 논문집 v.40 珍島犬에서 분리된 개 디스템 퍼바이러스 H遺傳子의 分子生物學的 特性 안동준;송재영;박종현;이중ㅂ족;현방훈;김재훈;배영태;최갑철;안수환
- 대한수의학회지 v.35 간접형광항체법에 의한 개의 바이러스-canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, canine coronavirus, canine adenovirus type-2, canine parainfluenza-항체분포조사 윤기복;강문일;박남용;한동운