Effects of Vitamin E Supplementation on Renal Lipid Peroxidation in High Fat Diet and Adriamycin Induced Experimental Nephrotic Syndrome Model Rats

고지방식이와 Adriamycin으로 유도된 신증후군 흰쥐실험모델에 비타민 E 첨가식이가 신장의 지질과산화대사에 미치는 영향

  • 박영주 (서울대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2000.03.01


This study was conducted to investigate the effects of vitamin E supplementation renal lipid peroxidation in high fat diet and adriamycin (ADR) induced experimental nephrotic syndrome model rats. Treated rats were injected intraperitoneally with ADR (2mg/kgBW/wk) once a week for four weeks. control rats were injected with saline solution instead of ADR. The rats in each group were fed experimental diets of three levels of vitamin E for 10 weeks: Normal (501U/kg diet), high (5,000IU/kg diet), excess (7,500IU/kg diet). The high fat diet and ADR treatment was performed to induce the decrease of kidney functions. Serum total cholesterol was significantly decreased by the excess supplementation. But there was no effect of vitamin E supplementation on serum total lipid and triglyceride. Thiobarbituric acid reacting substances(TBARS) was significantly decreased at high and excess supplementation. Glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase ({TEX}$GP_{x}${/TEX}) and catalase activities (CAT) were measured as antioxidative enzymes. The renalglutathione reductase (GR) and catalase activities (CAT) were inclined to elevate by vitamin E supplementation. Thus the vitamin E supplementation was found to have an antioxicant effect. These results suggested that vitamin E supplementation could alleviate the changes in renal lipid peroxidation.



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