Le Corbusier, W. Grupius, F. L. Wright의 주거건축에서 공용공간 디자인에 관한 연구

A Study on the Common Space Design for the Housing Architecture of Le Corbusier, W. Grupius, F. L. Wright

  • 정재욱 (단국대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


After the industrial revolution, interior of living space have shifted from the spacial structure of existing wall partitions to visually and spacially continuous open space. And these open space can be recognized mostly in the common space of housing architecture of living, dining, and kitchen space composition. In order to understand the characteristics of space and compositional method, the works of Le Corbusier, W. Grupius, and F.L. Wright in their living, dining, and kitchen space design have been analized from the collected materials to make evaluation for the similarities and significance of their space compositional factors. therefore, this study is to analize space composition and design factor of the modern housing space of Living, Dining, and kitchen space variation and character of open space design factor for the practical use as an index of designing contemporary living space.



  1. 유럽 건축사 개관 니콜라우스 페브스너 저 金福地 ...[等譯]
  2. 건축의 공간과 형태, 초판 Joedicke;Jurgen;윤재희
  3. 큐비즘, 초판 Golding;John;Cubsim;황지우
  4. 現代建築 Kenneth Frompton 著;鄭英喆 尹哉熙 共譯
  5. 르 꼬르뷔제의 生涯: 建築과 神話 Stanislaus Von Moos;崔昌吉;芮明海 [共譯]
  6. Works and Projects series Le corbusier,obrasy proyectos Works and Projects Willy Boesiger 저
  7. 生活空間의 創造 윌터 그로피우스 저;崔俊植 譯
  8. Works and Projects series Walter Gropius, obrasy proyectos Works and Projects Paolo Berdini
  9. 現代建築家シリ-ズ. 第1,2卷, フランク ロイドライト 作 Frank L. Wriht 저
  10. 한국주거학회지 v.10 no.2 현대주택 평면의 유형화와 평면 특성 분석에 관한 연구 이현수;정승현;최진원
  11. 한국실내디자인학회 no.18 실의 연계관계 분석에 의한 우리나라 단독주택의 공간구성적 특성에 관한 연구 전경화