일본현대건축의 지역적 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Regional Characteristics of Contemporary Japanese Architecture

  • 이일형 (청운대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


Contemporary architecture in Japan is entering an entirely new phase in the second half of the 1980s. In the late 1960s, doubts began to be expressed about Modernism, which until then had been the recognized mainstream of architecture. There was much discussion, but it was only in the early '80s that an active debate was initiated concerning Post-Modernism. Today, however, matters have gone beyond this, and the situation appears particularly significant. The Japanese architecture world was hitherto understand to be fundamentally very different from its western counterparts. There are several trends in current Japanese architecture which have still come out of the Japanese tradition of life, culture, region, climate itself. At the same time, stance of contemporary Japanese architecture start from a common basis in world's design stream which can be called Post-Modernism, Deconstructivism, Neo-Modernism. This study is aimed at analysis of 'Regional Characteristics' in Contemporary Japanese Architecture.



  1. New Directions in Japanese Architecture R. Boyd
  2. Tranfomations in Modern Architecture A. Drexler
  3. Architecture Today C. Jencks
  4. The Making of a Modern Japanese Architecture 1868 to The Present D. Stewart
  5. Japan- GA Document 15 二川幸夫
  6. The New Japanese Architecture B.Bognar
  7. Benedikt Taschen Architecture in the 20th Century P.Grossel
  8. The New Moderns C.Jencks;조희철 역
  9. The Japan Architect 1990~1996 新建築社
  10. 建築 20世紀 新建築
  11. Architeture Toady James Steele
  12. Contemporary World Architeture H.Peaman
  13. JAPAN 2000 The Art Institute of Chicago J.Zukowsky
  14. 現代建築의 第 3世代 P.Drew
  15. CIAM 崩壞 以後의 現代建築의 創造 黑川紀章
  16. 日本의 現代建築 鈴木傳之;윤광진 역
  17. 日本美術史 久野健;진흥섭 역
  18. 新建築 1980-1990(Post Modern Age) 新建築
  19. 日本의 歷史 민두기
  20. 日本 新建史 太田博太郞;박언곤 역
  21. 연대석론 日本現代建築의 樣式分類에 관한 硏究 윤광진
  22. 연대석론 日本現代建築에서 傳統的 空間槪念의 表現特性에 관한 硏究 백의현
  23. 홍대석론 80年代 日本住宅의 空間特性에 관한 硏究 성낙헌
  24. 홍대박론 韓 · 日現代建築의 表現傾向에 관한 硏究 김문덕