- 국제수문개발계획(IHP): 대덕유역연구보고서 건교부
- 국토연구원 연구보고서 정보유통을 위한 한국형 모댈개발 연구 건교부
- 하천시설기준 한국수문학회
- 하천정비기본계획 충청북도
- 충남대학교 공학박사학위 논문 분포형 강우-유출 모형의 격자규모 결정 조효섭
- 28th IAHR congress Distributed rainfall-runoff model applied Bo-Cheong stream basin Yeon, G. B.;H. S. Chol
- Using GRID with Arc/Info ESRI
- Hydroinformatics '96 Application of GIS linked flood-inundation model to flood damages estimation Yang, C.R.;Muller(ed.)
- GIS and Environmental Modeling Integrated and distributed storm water runoff modeling Vieux, B. E.(et al.);Goodchild, M. F.
- J. Water Resources Planning and management v.119 no.2 Imprementation of GIS for water resources planning and management Leipnik, M. R.(et al.)
- Advances in Water Science v.4 GIS and its application in hydrology and water resources Dowley, A.(et al.)