- 대한토목학회 논문집 v.20 no.1-ㅠ 식생된 개수로 흐름의 k-ε 난류해석 권기원;최성욱
- M.S. Thesis Experimental determination of drag coefficients in open channel with simulated vegetation Dunn, C.J.
- Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers Evaluation of grass characteristics related to sediment filtration Hayes, J.C.;Barfield, B.J.;Barnhisel, R.I
- Comp. Meth in Applied Mechanics The numerical computation of trubulent flow Launder, B.E.;Spalding, D.B.
- M.S. Thesis Near-wall trubulent coherent structures and their role on sediment transport in smooth-bed open-channel flows Lopez, F.
- Ph.D. Thesis Oopen-channel flow with roughness elements of different spanwise aspect rations: Turbulence Structure and Numerical Modeling Lopez, F.
- Wetlands Res. Program Tech. Rep. WRP-CP-10 Open-channel flow through simulated vegetation: turbulence modeling and and sediment transport Lopez, F.;Garcia, M.
- Water Resouce Research v.34 no.9 Open-channel flow through simulated vegetation: Suspended sediment transport modeling Lopez, F.;Garcia, M.
- PROBE Swedish Meteological and Hydrological Institute Svensson, U.
- Journal of the Hydraulic Division v.108 no.12 Sedimentology of erect vegetal filters Tollner, E.W.;Barfield, B.J.;Haynes, J.C.
- Journal of Hydraulic Research v.37 no.6 Fluvial processes in streams with vegetation Tsujimoto, T.