헬리컬 기어시스템의 진동특성 연구

A Study on Vibration Characteristics of Helical Gear Pairing

  • 이형우 (정회원, 부산대학교 기계기술연구소) ;
  • 정동현 (연암공과대학 기계설계과) ;
  • 박노길 (정회원, 부산대학교 기계공학부, 기계기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 2000.02.01


The vibrational model of a helical gear pair is developed with considering the elastic deformation of the active teeth and the body to be a rigid. The main source of vibration in geared system which has been known to be the gear transmission error is mathematically formulated and used for the analysis of vibrational characteristics of geared system. As an example, a simple geared system containing a helical gearing is considered. The critical speeds are found by the campbell diagram and compared with the experimental results.



  1. Bulletin of JSME v.29 no.251 Vibration of Power Transmission Helical Gears;Approximate Equation of Tooth Stiffness Umezaka, W.;Suzuki, T.;Sato, T.
  2. JSME International Journal Series Ⅲ v.31 no.3 Estimation of Vibration of Power Transmission Helical Gears by Means of Performance Diagrams on Vibration Umezawa, K.;Suzuki, T.;Houjoh, T.
  3. ASME Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design v.110 On the Dynamic Response of a Helical Geares System Subjected to a Static Transmission Error in the Form of Deterministic and Filtered White Noise Input Neriya, S. V.;Bhat, R. B.;Sankar, T. S.
  4. Proceedings of the Twelfth Biennial ASME Conforence on Mechanical Vibration and Noise Stability Analysis of Force Coupled in Helical Geared Rotor Systems Neriya, S. V.;Bhat, R. B.;Sankar, T. S.
  5. ASME Paper No. 80-C2/DET-24 Compliance and Stress Sensitivity of Spur Gear Teeth Cornell, R. W.
  6. Machinery Vibration;measurement and analysis Victor Work
  7. Advanced Rotating Machinery Dynamics;Rotor Bearing, Technology & Software