자전연소합성 반응중 속빈 TiC 섬유의 형성 기구

Forming Mechanism of TiC Hollow Fibers during Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis

  • 윤존도 (경남대학교 신소재공학부) ;
  • 방환철 (경남대학교 신소재공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


Forming mechanism of fibrous TiC during self-propagating high temperature synthetic reaction was analyzed and suggested. It was revealed that critical temperature for the stable fiber formation was not the melting point of TiC, but the eutectic reaction temperature of TiC and C. Minimum amount of TiC diluent addition required to form fibers was calculated to be 25.6%, which was consistent with the experimental result. Synthesized fibers were found hollow tube-like. The morphology was explained by the diffusion rates of C and Ti in TiC, and by the molar volume chnage of C during the reaction. Expanding shell model was suggested for the hollow fiber formation mechanism.
