희토류 원소의 복합첨가에 의한 fluride 유리에서의 청색 상향전이현상

Co-doping Effects on the Blue Up-conversion Characteristics of Fluoride Glasses

  • 류선윤 (선문대학교 재료·금속공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.01.01


Up-conversion of rare-earth element added glass is promising area for short wavelength laser source by utilizing high power semiconductor infra-red laser if the efficiency can be increased by proper method. In this study, relatively low phonon energy fluoride glasses were prepared by co-doping rare-earth elements to realize the high efficiency up-convertor. The physical, chemical, andoptical properties of co-doped fluoride glasses were measured. 10 combinations of 5 different rare-earth fluoride elements doped samples were prepared and their transition temperatures, chemical durability, density, hardness, refractive index, absorption, fluorescence, and fluorescence lifetime were measured. 480nm wavelengths blue up-conversion was found in the Yb3+/Tm3+ co-doped glass sample with 800nm laser source and the optimum composition for the most efficient blue up-conversion was found from the glass sample with 0.3 mol% TmF3 and 1 mol% YbF3.



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  6. Optics Comm. v.78 no.2 Frequency Upconversion in Tm- and Yb:Tm-doped Silica Fibers D. C. Hanna;R. M. Percival;I. R. Perry;R. G. Smart;J. E. Townsend;A. C. Tropper
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  9. J. Lumin. v.42 Infrared to Visible Upconverion in Yb Doped Fluorohafnate Glasses M. A. Chamarro;R. Cases
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