Characterization of the $\alpha$-mannosidase Gene Family in Filamentous Fungi: N-glycan Remodelling for the Development of Eukaryotic Expression Systems

  • Eades, C.Joshua (Department of Biology, University of Victoria) ;
  • Hintz, William E. (Department of Biology, University of Victoria)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


Although filamentous fungi are used extensively for protein expression, their use for the production of heterologous glycoproteins is constrained by the types of N-glycan structures produced by filamentous fungi as compared to those naturally found on the glycoproteins. Attempts are underway to engineer the N-glycan synthetic pathways in filamentous fungi in order to produce fungal expression strains which can produce heterologous glycoproteins carrying specific N-glycan structures. To fully realize this goal, a detailed understanding of the genetic components of this pathway in filamentous fungi is required. In this review, we discuss the characterization of the $\alpha$-mannosidase gene family in filamentous fungi and its implications for the elucidation of the N-glycan synthetic pathway.



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