우리나라 충남지역 활석광상에서 산출되는 녹니석의 화학적 및 투과전자현미경 연구

Chemical and TEM Studies of Chklorites in the Talc Deposites of the Chungnam Area, Korea

  • Geon-Young Kim (Geoenviromnental Sciences Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Soo Jin Kim (Department of Geological Seiences, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


Chlorite from the talc deposits in the Chungnam area, Korea, has been studied using electron microprobe analysis and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), Talc orea are hydrothermal alteration products of serpentinite which was originated from ultramafic rocks. Chlorite occurs in close association with talc ores of with the black alteration zone between talc ore bodies and granitic gneiss. It is the most abundant impurity mineral of talc ores. Chlorite in association with talc is characterized by very high but narrow variation in Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios (0.784~0.951), significant octahedral substitution (-0.200~0.692), wide variation in Al contents (1.085~3.160 / 14 oxygens), and high Cr and Ni contents. It was formed under a very limited but high Mg/(Mg+Fe) condition in close connection with serpentinite. Chlorite in the black alteration zone is characterized by a high Fe content, wide variation in Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios (0.378~0.852), narrow octahedral substitution (-0.035~0.525), high narrow Al contents (1.468~2.959), and low Cr and Ni contents. It was formed under a low Mg/(Mg+Fe) and relatively Al-rich condition in close connection with county rocks. Two different chemical modes for chlorite suggest two different origins for two different chlorites. Although most of chlorites show typical 14-$\AA$ lattice fringe images under HRTEM, some chlorites show fringe images of 21-$\AA$ (14$\AA$+7$\AA$) spacings within (001) lattice-fringe images of chlorite (14$\AA$). But brown chlorite from the black zone has high Ti and K contents suggesting that mica was the precursor of brown chlorite. Such possibility is also supported by the fact that lattice-fringe images of brown chlorite show 14-$\AA$ chlorite layers in which 10-$\AA$ mica single layer or packets are interlayered. Partial terminations from 3 mica layers to 2 chlorite layers are often observed. It, therefore, is suggested that the chlorite associated with talc ores is a hydrothermal alteration products of serpentinite, whereas the chlorites in the black alteration zone is a hydrothermal alteration product of granitic gnesis under a partial influence of serpentinite.
