Consolidation Behavior of Soft Ground by prefabricated Vertical Drains

연직드레인 공법에 의한 연약지반의 압밀거동

  • Published : 2000.09.01


A large scale field test of prefabricated vertical drains was performed to anayze the effect of parameters of the very soft clay at a test site. compression index and the coefficient of horizontal consolidation obtained by back-analysis of settlement data were compared with those obtained by means of laboratory tests. Hyperbolic method, Asaoka meoth and curve fitting method were used to compute final settlement of coefficient of consolidation. The relationships of settlement measurement(Sm) versus design settlement(St) and the measurement consolidation ratio(Um) versus design consolidation (Ut) were shown as Sm=(1.0~1.1) St , Um=(1.13~1.17) Ut at 1.0m spacing of drain and Sm=(0.7~0.8)St, Um= (0.92~0.99) Ut at 1.5 m spacing of drain, respectively . The relationships of the field compression index(CcField) and virgin compression index(vcc lab) were shown as Ccfield =(1.0~1.2)vcc lab . But it was nearly within the same range when considering the error factor with the determination method of virgin compression index and the prediction back-analysis of the settlement data was larger than the coefficient of vertical consolidation, and the ratio of consolidation coefficient (Ch/Cv) was Ch =(2.4~2.9) Cv , Ch=(3.4~4.2) Cv at 1.0m and 1.5m spacing of drain, respectively.



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