3상 전압인가형 중첩방전 오존발생기의 오존생성 상승효과

Ozone Generation Synergy Effects of Three-Phase Voltage Apply Type Superposed Discharge Ozonizer

  • 이병준 (영남대 전기전자공학부) ;
  • 이상근 (영남대 전기전자공학부) ;
  • 송현직 (영남대 공업기술연구소) ;
  • 김영훈 (포항1대학 전기과·) ;
  • 박원주 (영남대 전기전자공학부·) ;
  • 이광식 (영남대 전기전자공학부·)
  • 발행 : 2000.08.01


Nowadays, ozone is mainly utilized for water treatment and home equipments. Although the demand for ozone is increasing, the ozone yield of silent discharge type ozonizer is low. Therefore, it is expected to improve the energy efficiency and ozone yield of an ozonizer. In this paper, a new ozone generation system is proposed. The 60[Hz] three-phase voltage is applied to three-phase superposed discharge type ozonizer(3PSDO) which has three electrodes(central, internal and external electrodes). There is no discharge pause time when three-phase voltage is applied due to 120-degree phase difference of applied voltage. The synergy effect of the three-phase superposed discharge type ozonizer is investigated by comparing with the three sort of single-phase discharge type ozonizer(1PDO). So, three-phase superposed discharge type ozonizer is able to obtain high ozone yield, and optimize discharge space, because this can increase the discharge power at low applied voltage.



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