말레에이트계 LB초박막의 이방성 전기전도 특성의 해석

Analysis of Anisotropical Electrical Conduction Properties of Maleate System LB Ultra-thin Films

  • 최용성 (동아대 전기공학과 연구원) ;
  • 김도균 (동아대 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 유승엽 (동아대 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 권영수 (동아대 전기전자컴퓨터공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.01.01


We have fabricated LB ultra-thin films of maleate system by LB technique and evaluated the deposited status of LB ultra-thin films by I-V characteristics such as capacitance. It was found that the thickness of LB ultra-thin per layer is $27~30[{\AA}]$ by XRD. And, we have known that the conductivity along the horizontal direction of LB ultra-thin films was about $10^{-8}[S/cm]$, it corresponds to the semiconducting materials. Also, the I-V characteristics along the vertical direction of LB ultra-thin films was dominated by Schottky type current, the activation energy obtained by current-temperature characteristics was about 0.84[eV] and the conductivity was about $10^{-14}[S/cm]$, it corresponds to the insulator. And, the anisotropic conduction mechanism of the LB ultra-thin films in vertical direction and horizontal direction is determined by the hydrophilic group and the hydrophobic group in LB ultra-thin films. The above results are applicable to the semiconductor devices such as switching device, which function at the molecular level.



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