Slip Movement Simulations of Major Faults Under Very Low Strength

  • Park, Moo-Choon (Department of Environmental Science, Korea Military Academy) ;
  • Han, Uk (Department of Environmental Science, Korea Military Academy)
  • 발행 : 2000.02.01


Through modeling fault network using thin plate finite element technique in the San Andreas Fault system with slip rate over 1mm/year, as well as elevation, heat flow, earthquakes, geodetic data and crustal thickness, we compare the results with velocity boundary conditions of plate based on the NUVEL-1 plate model and the approximation of deformation in the Great Basin region. The frictional and dislocation creep constants of the crust are calculated to reproduce the observed variations in the maximum depth of seismicity which corresponds to the temperature ranging from $350^{\circ}C$ to $410^{\circ}C$. The rheologic constants are defined by the coefficient of friction on faults, and the apparent activation energy for creep in the lower crust. Two parameters above represent systematic variations in three experiments. The pattern of model indicates that the friction coefficient of major faults is 0.17~0.25. we test whether the weakness of faults is uniform or proportional to net slip. The geologic data show a good agreement when fault weakness is a trend of an additional 30% slip dependent weakening of the San Andreas. The results of study suggest that all weakening is slip dependent. The best models can be explained by the available data with RMS mismatch of as little as 3mm/year, so their predictions can be closely related with seismic hazard estimation, at least along faults where no data are available.



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