Microstructural Characteristics of Steel Weld Metal

철강 용착금속부의 미세조직 특성

  • Published : 2000.10.01




  1. Int. Metall. Review v.31 no.1 Microstructural development in mild and low alloy steel weld metals O. Grong;D. K. Matlock
  2. Metall. Trans. A v.20A no.8 Mechanisms of inclusion formation in Al-Ti-Si-Mn deoxidized steel weld metal A. O. Kluken;O. Grong
  3. Master. Sci. Tech v.11 no.2 Development of macro- and microstructures of carbon-manganese low alloy steel welds: inclusion formation S. S. Babu;S. A. David;J. M. Vitek;K. Mundra;T. DebRoy
  4. J. of Mater. Sci. v.30 Columnar grain development in C-Mn-Ni low-alloy weld metals and the influence of nickel Z. Zhang;R. A. Farrar
  5. Welding Journal no.5 Influence of Mn and Ni on the microstructure and toughness of C-Mn-Ni weld metal Z. Zhang and R. A. Farrar
  6. Proc. of 4th Inter. conf. on Trends in Welding Research The effect of Microstructure on the toughness of C-Mn-Multirun Weld Deposit H. Cerjak;E. Letofsky;Z. Pitoiset;A. Seiringer;G. M. Evans
  7. IIW Doc. A scheme of the quantitative description of ferritic weld metal microstructure D. J. Abson;R. E. Dolby
  8. Metal Construction(part 1) v.7 no.5 Towards improved submerged arc weld metal J. R. Garland;P. R. Kirkwood
  9. Metal Construction(part 2) v.7 no.6 Towards improved submerged arc weld metal J. R. Garland;P. R. Kirkwood
  10. Int. Metals Reviews v.31 no.4 D. J. Abson;R. J. Pargeter
  11. The influence of boron and titanium on low carbon microalloyed steel weld metal D. W. Oh
  12. IIW Doc. Characteristics of mechanical properties o fTi-B bearing weld metals N. Mori;H. Homma;M. Wakabayashi;S. Ohkida
  13. Welding Journal v.66 no.10 Improvement of HAZ toughness in HSLA steel by introducing finely dispersed Ti-oxide H. Homma;S. Ohkita;S. Matsuda;K. Yamamoto
  14. Nippon steel technical report no.61 Advances in technology of oxide metallurgy
  15. Metall. Mat. Trans. A v.25A no.5 Intragranular ferrite nucleation in medium-carbon vanadium steels F. Ishikawa;T. Takahashi;T. Ochi
  16. '99 차세대 구조용 강재 개발 Workshop Ti-M 첨가강 주편개재물 및 IFP형성 특성 오경식
  17. Steels, Microstructure and Property(2nd ed.) S. R. Honeycombe(ed.);H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia(ed.)
  18. met. Trans. A v.8A no.9 Structure-property relationships in low C weld metal E. Levine;D. C. Hill
  19. Mat. Sci. J. v.8 Morphology and Crystallography of Widmanstatten proeutectoid ferrite A. D. King;T. Bell
  20. Bulletin Japan Inst. Metals v.28 no.9 The banite transformation as viewed from the diffusion school M. Enomoto;H. Tsubakino
  21. Metals and Materials v.4 no.2 Morphology and growth process of banitic ferrite in steels Yun-Chul Jung;Sung-Joon Kim;Yasuya Ohmori
  22. Sumitomo Search v.15 Y. Ito;M. Nakanishi
  23. Metall. Trans. A v.10A M. R. Kirshnadev;R. Ghosh
  24. Nippon Steel Tech. Report no.65 Development of high-performance welding technology for steel plates and pipe for structural purposes Y. Horii;S. Ohkita;K. Shinada;K. Koyama
  25. Mat. Sci. and Eng. v.AH9 Effect of arrangement of acicular ferrite in a Widmanstatten microstructure in the fracture of mild steel Z. Huang;M. Yao
  26. Metal Science v.17 no.2 J. H. Tweed;J. F. Knott
  27. Mater. Sci. and Tech. v.11 no.8 Aspect ratios and morphology of acicular ferrite in C-Mn-Ni weld metal R. A. Farra;Z. Zhang
  28. Welding Journal no.8 The dislocation density of acicular ferrite in steel welds J. R. Yang;H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia
  29. Electron Microscopy and Strength of Crystals Deformation structures in body-centered cubic metals A. S. Keh;S. Weissmann;G. Thomas(ed.);J. Washburn(ed.)
  30. J. Mat. Sci. v.17 The nature of acicular ferrite in HSLA steel weld metals Ricks, R. A.;Howell P. R.;Barritte, G. S.
  31. Trans. Iron Steel Inst. Japan v.12 Y. Ohmori;A. T. Davenport;R. W. K. Honeycombe
  32. Metall. Trans. A v.21A Banite in steel H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia;J. W. Christian
  33. J. Mat. Sci. v.16 P. L. Harrison;R. A. Farrar
  34. AIME Welding Metallurgy of Structural Steels J. R. Yang;H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia;J. Y. Koo(ed.)
  35. Mat. Sci. and Tech. v.6 S. S. Babu;H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia
  36. Mater. Trans. v.32 no.8 S. S. Babu;H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia
  37. IIW Doc. Y. Ito;M. Nakanishi;Y. Komizo