원격실행 기술을 이용한 강의지원 웹사이트 자동생성시스템 설계 및 구현

Design And Implementation Of A Lecture Supporting Web Site Construction System Using Remote Execution Techniques

  • 임인택 (대구미래대학 멀티미디어정보과학과) ;
  • 김재일 (문경전문대학 컴퓨터정보학과) ;
  • 송규백 (영남대하교 전산정보원) ;
  • 김종근 (영남대학교 컴퓨터공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


Recently, various web page development tools for both the beginner and the experienced user are introduced. These tools allow them to generate web pages easily and quickly. However the web pages generated by the tools have lots of functional limitations. Generally authors must have much knowledge for web authoring tools, HTML, CGI programming to open web sites for special purpose. Especially, most of the lecture supporting web site necessarily requires much effort to construct it as well as special functions using CGI, Javascript, Java Applet, etc. to generate dynamic web pages. In order to solve above mentioned limitations, we design and implement an automatic web site construction system using RASIS based on remote execution technologies.



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