The development of recent computer and communication technology has changed Automation System using communication network, and the new USB substituted with Serial Communication is already developed and now popular. In this paper, High speed data transfer system design using USB interface and communication application simulated for the situation is introduced. Base on USB, we can use additive function efficiently coped with former field device. The 'Winsock Connection USB Ternimal,' designed for hardware simulation, control the field device connected by USB, and provide the way for remote control of field device by Telnet connection through TCP/IP. That theorem can guarantee controlling direct input dta of user, and acuate function of field device using USB Packet Transmission. As a result of amy research, this communication application system identified good operation of field device with those of former field device. Another result of the experiment of hardware operation, we obtained accomplishment that the sufficient bandwidth guarantee of USB has high speed and high performance, and reduce the occupancy of system.