Analytical Validation of the SDL Metrics Set

SDL 메트릭 집합의 분석적 검증

  • 홍의석 (한양대학교 영상처리학과) ;
  • 정명희 (한양대학교 영상처리학과)
  • Published : 2000.04.01


Design metrics that quantify the design phase play an important role in reducing system development cost because the problems in early phases of software development seriously affected the quality of the late products. Real-time systems such as telecommunication systems are so large that design quantification is more important in real-time system design. Although many metrics have been proposed, few of them are correctly validated. This paper revises the SDL metrics set proposed in earlier study [9] and perform an analytical validation o the metrics set. Axiomatic approach and dimensional analysis are used for metrics validation and the old metrics are revised ot satisfy the validation criteria.



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