Neuroanatomical Studies on the Acupoints Related to the Large Intestine

대장(大腸)과 관련(關聯)된 경혈(經穴)들의 신경해부학적(神經解剖學的) 연구(硏究)

  • Kang, Chang-Soo (Department of Meridianology college of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk University) ;
  • Lee, sang-ryoung (Department of Meridianology college of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk University) ;
  • Lee, Chang-Hyun (Department of Anatomy college of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk University) ;
  • Nam, Yong-Jae (Department of Oriental pathology college of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk University) ;
  • Lee, Kwang-Gyu (Department of Oriental pathology college of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk University)
  • 강창수 (우석대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실) ;
  • 이상룡 (우석대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실) ;
  • 이창현 (우석대학교 한의과대학 해부학교실) ;
  • 남용재 (우석대학교 한의과대학 한방병리학교실) ;
  • 이광규 (우석대학교 한의과대학 한방병리학교실)
  • Published : 2000.06.20


The purpose of this morphological studies was to investigate the relation between the meridian, acupoints and viscera using neuroanatomical tracers. The common locations of the spinal ganglia, sympathetic chain ganglia, spinal cord and brain projecting to the large intestine meridian were observed following injection of transganglionic tracer, WGA-HRP and transsynaptic neurotropic virus, pseudorabies virus(PRV), Bartha strain(Ba) and PRV-Ba-Gal (Galactosidase)) into the the large intestine(cecum, colon and rectum), ST37 and LI4. After survival times of 96 hours following injection into the thirty rats with WGA-HRP, PRV-Ba and PRV-Ba-Gal. They were perfused, and their spinal ganglia, sympathetic chain ganglia, spinal cord and brain were frozen sectioned($30{\mu}m$). These sections were stained by HRP and X-gal histochemical and PRV immunohistochemical staining method, and observed with a light microscope. The results were as follows : 1. WGA-HRP labeled neurons innervating the large intestine were observed bilaterally within the T13-L4 sympathetic chain ganglia, and T9-11 spinal ganglia. WGA-HRP labeled neurons innervating ST37 were observed within the L3-5 sympathetic chain ganglia, and L2-4 spinal ganglia. WGA-HRP labeled neurons innervating LI4 were observed in the middle cervical ganglion and stellate ganglion, and C5-8 spinal ganglia. 2. In spinal cord, PRV-Ba labeled neurons projecting to the large intestine, ST37 and LI4 were found in thoracic, lumbar and sacral spinal segments. Densely labeled areas of each spinal cord segment were founded in lamina N, V, VII(intermediolateral nucleus), Ⅸ, X and dorsal nucleus. 3. In medulla oblongata, PRV-Ba and PRV-Ba-Gal labeled neurons projecting to the large intestine, ST37 and LI4 were commonly found in the A1 noradrenalin cells/C1 adrenalin cells/caudoventrolateral reticular nucleus, dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve, nucleus tractus solitarius, raphe obscurus nucleus, raphe pallidus nucleus, raphe magnus nucleus and gigantocellular nucleus. 4. In pons, PRV-Ba and PRV-Ba-Gal labeled neurons were commonly found in locus coeruleus, Kolliker-Fuse nucieus and A5 cell group. 5. In midbrain, PRV-Ba and PRV-Ba-Gal labeled neurons were commonly found in central gray matter. 6. In diencephalon, PRV-Ba and PRV-Ba-Gal labeled neurons were commonly found in paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus. These results suggest that PRV-Ba and PRV-Ba-Gal labeled common areas projecting to the large intestine may be correlated to that of the large intestine meridian, ST37 and LI4. Especially, These morphological results provide that interrelationship of meridian-acupoints -viscera may be related to the central autonomic pathways.



Supported by : 우석대학교


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