십사경맥중(十四經脈中) '풍(風)' 자(字)가 포함(包含)된 경혈(經穴)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

Study of the fourteen meridians that include name of P'ung (風) point

  • 이언도 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 김갑성 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Lee, On-Do (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University) ;
  • Kim, Kap-Sung (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University)
  • 투고 : 2000.08.10
  • 심사 : 2000.08.26
  • 발행 : 2000.09.20


Study of the fourteen meridians that include name of P'ung(風) point. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Pyongp'ung(秉風) is located middle of the supraspinatous fossa(Small intestine Meridian, 手太陽小腸經). we can cute the local area disease and also use to cure the pathway of the Arm greater yang small intestine which is attacked by P'ung(風) disease. 2. Yep'ung(翳風) is located behind the lobule of the auricle, in the depression between the mastoid process and the mandible(Triple Energizer Meridian, 手少陽三焦經). we can cure the local area disease especially hyper yang disease and also use to cure the pathway of the Arm lesser yang triple energizer which is attacked by P'ung(風) and Yo'l(熱) disease. 3. P'ungmun(風門) is located 1.5 chon beside the lower end of the spine of the second thoracic vertebra(Bladder Meridian, 足太陽膀胱經). we can cure the local area disease and also use to cure the pathway of the Leg greater yang bladder which is attacked by P'ung(風) disease. 4. P'ungbu(風府) is located 1 chon above the middle of natural line of the hair at the back of the head, in the depression below the occiptal protuberance(Governor meridian, 督脈). It connects (Liver meridian, 足厥陰肝經) and Yin Link Vessel(陽維脈). we can cure the rigidity and pain in head and nape which is related Yin Link Vessel(陽維脈). 5. P'ungshi(風市) is located on the lateral part of the thigh, 7 hon above the patella(From the greater trochanter to the knee joint is 19 chon, Gallbladder Meridian (足少陽膽經). we can cure the local area disease(leg, knee, etc). 6. P'ungji(風池) is located Below the occipital bone, in the depression on the outer part of the trapezius muscle(Gallbladder Meridian, 足少陽膽經) on a level with P'ungbu(風府) (Governor vessel, 督脈). we can cure the local area disease and also use to cure the pathway of the Leg lesser yang gall bladder which is attacked by P'ung(風) disease.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 동국대학교


  1. 鍼灸治療學 林鍾國
  2. 東洋醫學叢書 國際韓醫科學生會
  3. 針灸穴名釋義 周楣聲
  4. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.11 no.2 風의 生理學的 認識 황인수
  5. 欽定四庫全書子部五醫家類 靈樞經
  6. 針灸甲乙經 皇甫謐
  7. 欽定四庫全書子部五醫家類 주後備急方 葛洪
  8. 黃帝內經太素 楊上善
  9. 欽定四庫全書 黃帝內經素問 王冰
  10. 備急千金要方 孫思邈
  11. 千金翼方 孫思邈
  12. 外臺秘要 王燾
  13. 針灸資生經 王執中
  14. 聖濟總錄 曹孝忠
  15. 扁鵲神應針灸玉龍經 王國瑞
  16. 欽定四庫全書子部五醫家類 6 明堂灸經 西方子
  17. 針灸緊英 高武
  18. 醫學入門 李梴
  19. 古今醫統大全 徐春甫
  20. 鍼灸大成校釋 楊繼洲
  21. 類經圖翼 張介賓
  22. 神應經 陳會
  23. 醫學綱目 樓英
  24. 鍼灸大全 徐鳳
  25. 針方六集校釋 吳崑
  26. 陳延銓;羅遺(編)
  27. 瘍醫大全 願世澄
  28. 釐正按摩要術 張振鋆
  29. 針灸逢源 李學川
  30. 繪圖針灸易學 李守先
  31. 醫心方 丹波康賴
  32. 針灸指南 鍼灸醫學典籍大系 出版科學總合硏究所
  33. 圖解十四經發揮 木間祥白(著);吳家鏡(譯)
  34. 針灸名釋義 周楣聲
  35. 新編鍼灸大辭典 程宝書(主編)
  36. 東醫病理學 文濬典(外)
  37. 常用兪穴臨床發揮 李世珍
  38. 難經集注 王九思等(集注)