레이저 가공시 광학적 방법을 이용한 가공상태 감시 및 초점제어

Optical Process Monitoring and Focus Control in Laser Material Processing

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  • 鄭泰汶 (한국원자력연구소) ;
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  • 발행 : 2000.04.01




  1. European Conf. on Laser Treatment of Maerials S. Beirmann;A. Topkaya;M. Jagiella
  2. Proceedings of ICALEO'95 Process Control by Plume Registration in Laser Materials Processing J. Meijer;F. Wisselink;R. Kessel
  3. Meas. Sci. Technol. v.7 Realtime focus control in laser welding F. Haran;D. Hand;C. Peters;J. Jones
  4. 한국레이저가공학회지 v.2 열복사의 색수차 공간여과를 이용한 레이저 용접 감시 기술 백성훈;박승규;김민석;정진만;김철중
  5. Optics Communications v.152 Size variation monitoring of an extended thermal radiation source by chromatic filtering C. J. Kim;M. S. Kim;K. S. Kim
  6. Proceedings of ICALEO 98 Demonstration of Auto-focus Control by Chromatic Filtering C. J. Kim
  7. Proceedings of ICALEO 99 Application of Chromatic Filtering to Focus Control and Kerf Width Monitoring in Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser Cutting C. M. Chung;T. M. Jeong;S. H. Baik;M. S. Kim;C. J. Kim