화타협척혈에 대한 문헌적 고찰

The Treatise Research on Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue(華佗夾脊穴)

  • 안수기 (원광대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 이삼로 (원광대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 양유선 (원광대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Ahn, Soo-Gi (Department of Acupunture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Won Kwang University) ;
  • Lee, Sam-Ro (Department of Acupunture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Won Kwang University) ;
  • Yang, You-Sun (Department of Acupunture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Won Kwang University)
  • 투고 : 2000.11.03
  • 심사 : 2000.11.15
  • 발행 : 2000.12.20


Objectives : Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue(華佗夾脊穴) is the Jing-Wai-Qi-Xue(經外奇穴) that is widely used in clinic and effective in Acupuncture and Moxibustion. But the location, number, acupuncture method, clinical application of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue have not been explained clearly and consistently; moreover, studies or clinical reports about this are insufficient. The purpose of this study is to investigate the location, number, acupuncture method, clinical apptication of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue. Methods : We investigated Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue through survey of 11 books and 26 relevant journals published in China Results : 1. Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue is located in about 0.5 Cun(寸) at both sides of spinous process of each vertebra. 2. There is differ as the number of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue is 34, 48, 56, 58 in each documents. Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue located in first, second cervical vertebra and first sacrum is low in application frequency, Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue located from third cervical vertebra to fourth lumbar vertebra is high in apptication frequency. Therefore, all of the acupoints located in about 0.5 Cun(寸) both sides of spinous process of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae are regarded as Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue in wide meaning. 3. There are Kou-Ci-Fa(叩刺法), Qian-Ci-Fa(淺刺法), Yan-Pi-Ci-Fa(沿皮刺法), Shen-Ci-Fa(深刺法) in acupuncture method of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue. Acupuncturing depths, directions is differ in each location(cervical, thoracic, lumbar vertebra, sacrum) and have something to do with therapeutic effect of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue. The feeling that patient receive after acupuncture is the key to the treatment of disease. 4. The clinical application of each Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue is mainly selected by distribution of meridians, nerve roots, vertebral segments which are attacked with a disease. The musculoskeletal diseases in treatment of disease by Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue are the most common as 12 cases. Second, there are many reports about nervous system diseases. In addition, good therapeutic results by application of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue are reported in some diseases, for instance, diseases of five viscera and six entrails, organ, tissue Conclusions : Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue is located in about 0.5 Cun(寸) at both sides of spinous process of each cervical, thoracic lumbar and sacral vertebra. Therapeutic effect of Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue has something to do with acupuncturing depths, directions and feelings. Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue is mainly selected by distribution of meridians, nerve roots, vertebral segments which are attacked with a disease and is mainly applied musculoskeletal diseases, nervous system diseases.



  1. 遼寧中醫雜志 v.7 夾脊穴刺法當議 李學武
  2. 中國鍼灸穴位通鑒 王德深(外)
  3. 中國鍼灸 v.1 華타夾脊穴綜術 程霞;趙염
  4. 經外奇穴臨床應用 南景禎(外)
  5. 鍼灸수穴學 康鎖彬(外)
  6. 經絡穴位與鍼灸槪要 金完成
  7. 鍼灸集錦 鄭魁山
  8. 鍼灸穴位解剖圖譜 山東醫學院;山東中醫學院
  9. 鍼灸學 廣州中醫學院
  10. 經絡穴位解說 楊錦森
  11. 中國鍼灸學 王德深(主編)
  12. 中國鍼灸 v.7 叩刺夾脊穴治療腸道激惹綜合征68例 張偉范
  13. 中國鍼灸 v.11 腰部夾脊穴的臨床應用 劉鳳花
  14. 遼寧中醫雜志 v.2 頸腰夾脊穴對治療半身不遂的休會 馬振文
  15. 新中醫 v.12 鍼刺夾脊穴治療帶狀疱疹43例報告 歐陽群;喩國雄
  16. 浙江中醫雜志 v.1 夾脊穴“十”字刺治愈腦性탄탄1例 葉衡
  17. 鍼灸學 上海中醫學院
  18. 鍼灸學 上海中醫學院
  19. 中國鍼灸 v.5 背兪夾脊穴治療精神分裂症 100例臨床報道 呂雅芝
  20. 中國鍼灸 v.6 溫針夾脊穴治療頸椎病46例 宋毅勤;浦蘊星
  21. 中國鍼灸 v.6 針刺華타夾脊穴治療急性腰유傷 308例 王樹年
  22. 遼寧中醫雜志 v.12 夾脊穴的臨床應用 任보琴
  23. 中國鍼灸 v.3 激光鍼刺頸夾脊穴治療頸椎病102例療效觀察 單秋華(外)
  24. 中國鍼灸 v.3 電針夾脊穴配合隔薑灸治療增生性脊椎炎105例療效觀察 嚴愉芬
  25. 中國鍼灸 v.5 夾脊穴治療頸腰椎骨質增生100例療效觀察 蔡紅
  26. 中國鍼灸 v.2 鍼刺夾脊穴配合牽引治療頸椎病 438例 李建山(外)
  27. 山東中醫學院學報 v.1 鍼灸夾脊穴爲主治療神經根型頸椎病70例 郭明芳;王衛紅
  28. 中國鍼灸 v.1 針刺夾脊穴治療頸椎病85例 彭秀菊
  29. 中國鍼灸 v.2 華타夾脊穴配合絮刺 撥火罐治療脊椎肥大症23例 마勝軍
  30. 上海中醫藥雜志 v.10 電針華타夾脊治療腰椎間盤突出症159例 흔志平
  31. 中國鍼灸 v.11 深刺夾脊穴加발罐治療强直性脊椎炎 王偉
  32. 中國鍼灸 v.5 鍼灸治療乙腦後遺症16例觀察 石信箴
  33. 遼寧中醫雜志 v.11 針刺華타夾脊穴治療感染性多發性神經炎一例 王내鳳
  34. 中國鍼灸 v.3 針刺夾脊穴爲主治療下肢多發性神經炎32例 金鏡(外)
  35. 浙江中醫雜志 v.8 鍼刺第二腰椎夾脊穴治療遺尿症20例 仲제尙
  36. 中國鍼灸 v.1 夾脊穴排針治療急性上腹痛症48例 趙健;趙克英
  37. 浙江中醫雜志 v.3 鍼刺頸三夾脊治療偏탄49例 牟秋榕