Effect of the Thermal Changes of Five-shu-points(五輸穴) of the Lung Meridian with Acupuncture Stimulation on Taeyon(L9, 太淵)

태연(太淵)(L9)자침(刺鍼)이 수태음폐경(手太陰肺經)의 오수혈(五輸穴) 영역(領域) 온도변화(溫度變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Song, Beom-Yong (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, WooSuk University) ;
  • Yook, Tae-Han (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, WooSuk University)
  • 송범용 (우석대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 육태한 (우석대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Received : 2000.08.13
  • Accepted : 2000.08.26
  • Published : 2000.09.20


Objective : The meridian and the acupuncture point of oriental medicine are very important in the department of acupuncture and moxibustion. Recently, we needed to study on the phenomenon of the meridian and acupuncture point with objective data. And then, I made a study of effects on the thermal changes of Five-shu-points(五輸穴) of the Lung meridian with acupuncture on Taeyon($L_9$, 太淵), using Digital infrared thermal imaging(D.I.T.I). Method : This study researched into clinical statistics for 60 men who are in good health. The objective was divided into two groups, one was the control group(CON, N=30) and the other was acupuncture group(ACU, N=30). The first, I took a picture for 60 men with the Digital infrared thermal imaging(D.I.T.I.). After 10 minutes, I took a second picture for each group following experimental methods. Results : I. The Mean temperature of Sasang($L_{11}$), Oje($L_{10}$), Taeyon($L_9$), Kyonggo($L_8$), Choldaek($L_5$) and Taenung($P_7$) area in adult men with good health, made a no significant difference with left and right side points. 2. Acupuncture group with acupuncture stimularion on Taeyon($L_9$) had a effect on much thermal changes of Sasang($L_{11}$), Oje($L_{10}$), Taeyon($L_9$), Kyonggo($L_8$) and Choldaek($L_5$) than control group. The thermal changes of the area which is a meridian point in the Lung Meridian of acupuncture group differed from control group with significant decrease and increase following the decreasing or increasing temperature class. Each class of ascent and descent thermal change was statistically significant value compared with control group. 3. Acupuncture group with acupuncture stimulation on Taeyon($L_9$) had not a effect on thermal changes of Taenung($P_7$) area than control group. And the increasing and decreasing temperature class of the acupuncture group did not significantly differ from control group. Conclusion : I could think that the acupuncture on Taeyon($L_9$) affected the thermal change of the area which is the Five-shu-points in the Lung Meridian. And then I could relate these results with the existence of the meridian and acupuncture point.



Supported by : 우석대학교


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