Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
- Volume 2 Issue 1
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- Pages.34-48
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- 2000
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- 2383-6415(pISSN)
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- 2383-6423(eISSN)
Factors associated with regular exercise in office workers
사무직근로자의 운동이행과 관련된 요인
- Lee, Young-Hee (Department of Occupational Health Nursing, Graduate School of Occupational Health, The Catholic University of Korea)
- Published : 2000.07.06
The purpose of this study was to analyse the factors associated with regular exercise in office workers based on the health belief model such as health belief, self efficacy and barrier among office workers. For the study, we surveyed 253 office workers and analysed using SAS package program. That results obtained were as follows; 1. There were significant differences in sex, age, marriage status. 2. Exercise showed a significant association according to 5-6 days/week exercise, used to fitness center in company, exercise before the attendances. 3. The health belief showed a significant association according to 20-29 years old, unmarried and non exerciser. 4. The self efficacy showed a significant association according to female, nondrinker, nonsmoker, regular exerciser, motivation of exercise is maintain health and weak exerciser. 5. The barrier of exercise was high in non exerciser. 6. A negative correlation was observed between the health belief, the self efficacy and the barrier of exercise. In conclusion, this study suggests that the effective exercise program to reinforce the factors based on health belief and self efficacy, have to be developed.