율(栗)에 대(對)한 한의학적(韓醫學的) 문헌고찰(文獻考察)

A Oriental Medical Study on the Castanea mollissima Bl.

  • 이수진 (상지대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실) ;
  • 김명동 (상지대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실) ;
  • 남용재 (우석대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.29


This dissertation is try to figure out why chestnut belongs to kidney channel, from the viewpoint of five elements theory. After studying chestnut's property, flavor, channel tropism, main cure ability, prescriptions, shape, sweet, and prohibitions, I came to the following results. 1. Property of chestnut is warm and has no toxicity, so it is less related than kidney property. 2. Flavor of chestnut is salty and sweet, so it has some relation to kidney and spleen properties. 3. Channel tropism of chestnut enters mainly into kidney channel, and then spleen and stomach channels. 4. Chestnut controls kidney function of storing the essence of life, determining the condition of bone and marrow, conduction water metabolism, affecting reasoning activity, and controls activity of nine openings of body. It also has effects on functions of spleen, intestines and stomach. 5. Prescriptions including chestnut is similar to that of human brain, it is possible to reason out that chestnut has some relation to human brain. 7. As flavor of chestnut flower is similar to that of spermatic fluid, so it has som relation to kidney property. 8. As chestnut has property of blocking qi and it causes spleen, stomach and colon system to be confused, so it is suggested that persons with weakende spleen and stomach be not allowed to take in.



  1. 本經逢原 淸 張로(著);越小靑;裵曉峰(校注)
  2. 中國營養食療學 党毅(編)
  3. 淄博本草 趙亦成(等)(主編)
  4. 中藥大辭典 江蘇新醫學院(編)
  5. 重輯名醫別錄 謝文全 梁陶弘景;那琦
  6. 本草衍義 寇宗奭(撰);顔正華(點校);常章富(點校);黃幼群(點校)
  7. 飮食須知 元.賣銘(著);程紹恩(點校);許永貴(點校);尙貞一(點校)
  8. 食物本草 點校本 李고(編);李時珍(參訂);姚可成(補輯);達美君(點校);樓紹來(點校)
  9. 本草蒙養 陳嘉謨(撰);王淑民(點校);陳湘萍(點校);周超凡(點校)
  10. 編註 醫學入門 李정
  11. 本草綱目拾 趙學敏
  12. 食鑑本草(歷代中醫珍本集成 十九) 費伯雄(撰);朱邦賢;王若水
  13. 전南本草 전南本草定理助 정리 蘭茂,
  14. 重輯神修本草 岡西爲人
  15. 本草求眞 靑.黃宮수(撰);席與民(點校);朱肇和(點校)
  16. 本草撮要(珍本醫書集成(二) 本草類), ?吉生 原編 구吉生(原編)王玉潤(審訂);張伯訥(審訂);何傳毅(審訂)
  17. 中國藥膳學 彭銘泉(主編)
  18. 蔬菜的食療 顧智章;陳瑛(編)
  19. 千金要方 孫思邈
  20. 千金翼方 孫思邈
  21. 唐本草(新修本草) 蘇敬;尙志鈞(輯校)
  22. 原本 東醫寶鑑 許浚(著);東醫寶鑑國譯委員會(編)
  23. 鄕藥集成方 5 과학 동의학편집부(編)
  24. 本草精華(韓國醫學大系 第十一冊) 著者未詳
  25. 本草綱目 李時珍
  26. 本草易讀 汪인庵(撰);呂廣振(點校);陶振崗(點校);王海亭(點校);唐氷忠(點校)
  27. 隨息居飮食譜(歷代中醫珍本集成 十九) 王士雄(撰);朱邦賢(總審閱);王若水(總審閱)
  28. 食物藥用指南 揚景俊(主編)
  29. 기초한의학 배병철
  30. 나를 다시하는 동양학 박현
  31. 생리학강의 유도곤
  32. 우리가 정말 알아야 할 우리나무 백가지 이유미
  33. 한의학사전 김현재
  34. 黃帝內經 素問 楊維傑
  35. 本草品?精要 劉文泰(等)(撰)