중기(中氣)의 병인병기(病因病機) 및 치료(治療)에 관한 문헌고찰(文獻考察)

Refering to Sundry Records about Cause, Process and Treatment of Jungkijeung(Zhongqizheng)

  • 홍석 (동신대학교 한의과대학 심계내과학교실) ;
  • 이동원 (동신대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과학교실)
  • Hong, Suk (Dept. of Circulatory Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Shin University) ;
  • Lee, Dong-Won (Dept. of Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Shin University)
  • 발행 : 2000.09.30


Object: Show the treatment about Jungkijeung (Zhongqizheng) by distinguishing Apoplexy(Zhongfeng), yujungfung(Leizhongfeng), gualjung(Juezheng), and observation of cause, process, quality. Method: Researched definition, cause, process, treatment and herb med through chinese & korean medical publication refered to Jungkijeung(Zhongqizheng) Result: 1. Jungkijeung(Zhongqizheng) is simmilar to Apoplexy(Zhongfeng) that spiritual shock occurred to syncope, dysarthria, trismus, quadriplegia. But the symptom of Jungkijeung(Zhongqizheng) is coldness, no-sputum, sink-pluse; that of Apoplexy(Zhongfeng) is warmness, much secretion, float-pulse. 2. Jungkijeung(Zhongqizheng) is mainly caused by the serious anger and the reverse movement of spints by the seven emotional factor. The process of Jungkijeung(Zhongqizheng) are "Fire and Fever(huore)" "Weatness and sputum(shitan)", and most importantly "Weakness of vital-qi(qixi)" 3. The treatment of Jungkijeung(Zhongqizheng) is adjustment and circulation of jiao. In early stage, don't use of Apoplexial- Med. 4. As following herb-med are used for Jungkijeung (Zhongqizheng). Sohaphang-won(Suhexiangyan) is 18 times; Palmisungi-san(Baweishunqisan) is 13 times; Kang-tang(Jiangtang) is 8 times: Mokhyangsungi san(Muxiangshunqisan) is 6 times. 5. Atractylodes macrocephala KOIDZ(Baishu) is used for 40 times most frequently, Saussurea lappa CLARKE (Muxiang), Cyperus rotundus L (Xiangfuzi), Citrus unshiu MARCOR(Chenpi), Glycyrrhiza uralensis FISCH (Gancao), poria cocos WOLF (Furing), Panax ginseng NESS (Renshen) etc are orderly used. 6. Acupoints same as GV20(Baihui), LI4(Hegu), Liv2(Xingjian), 12 Junghyul(Jingxue) is used for acupunture. And CV8(Shenque), CV4(Guanyan) is used for moxibustion. Conclusion: As Jungkijeung(Zhangqizheng) is differed from Apoplexy(Zhongfeng), yujungfung(Leizhongfeng), gualjung(Juezheng), we must also cure Jungkijeung (Zhongqizheng) to the other disease. It is need to distinguishment Jungkijeung(Zhongqizheng) from neurotic, psychotic disease, though similar to conversation neurosis.



  1. 普濟本事方 許叔微
  2. 世醫得效方 危赤林
  3. 古今醫統大全 徐春甫
  4. 編註醫學入門 李천
  5. 醫宗必讀 李中梓
  6. 醫宗金鑑 吳謙(等)
  7. 類證治裁 林珮琴
  8. 雜病廣要 丹波元堅
  9. 國譯 中風條辨 張茂珍
  10. 肝系內科學 金秉雲(外 8人)
  11. 東醫心系內科學 具本泓(外 4人)
  12. 東醫神經精神科學 黃義完
  13. 新編 丹溪心法附餘 朱震亨
  14. 萬病回春 공廷賢
  15. 六科證治準繩 王肯堂
  16. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  17. 醫方集解 汪訒庵
  18. 證治彙補 李用粹
  19. 醫學門徑 徐學山
  20. 東醫肺系內科學 李珩九
  21. 針灸學 崔容泰(外 21人)
  22. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.14 no.2 中氣證에 關한 文獻的 考察 崔營哲(外 2人)
  23. 大田大學校 論文集(韓醫學編) v.2 no.2 中氣症에 關한 文獻的 考察 玄禹天;李相龍
  24. 惠和醫學 v.9 no.1 中氣證의 東西醫學的 考察 崔秉晩;李相龍
  25. 婦人良方大全 陳自明
  26. 校訂普濟方 朱橚
  27. 國譯 瀕湖脈學$\cdot$四言擧要$\cdot$奇經穴脈巧附脈訣考證 中 西言擧要 李月池;言聞;朴炅(譯)
  28. 辨證錄 陳士鐸
  29. 張氏醫通 張로
  30. 廣濟秘笈 李景華
  31. 中國鍼灸處方學 肖少卿
  32. 韓方專門醫叢書7 이도건;황득창
  33. 實用中醫內科學 方藥中(外)
  34. 素問注釋滙粹 程士德
  35. 醫學綱目 樓英
  36. 黃帝內經靈樞校注語譯 郭靄春
  37. 河間醫集(素問玄機原病式) 劉守眞
  38. 東垣十種醫書 李杲
  39. 實用中醫腦病學 中國中醫硏究院
  40. 醫經溯回集 王履
  41. 神經精神科學 大韓神經精神醫學會