Effects of Acupuncture at Taekjung and Ungyo$(GV_{28})$ Bloodletting on Liver Function

택중침자(澤中鍼刺) 및 간교$(GV_{28})$사혈(瀉血)이 간기능(肝機能)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Lim Kwan-Il (Dept. of AM-Meridian & Pointology, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University) ;
  • Lee Joon-Moo (Dept. of AM-Meridian & Pointology, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University)
  • 임관일 (상지대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실) ;
  • 이준무 (상지대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실)
  • Published : 2000.03.27


Effects of acupuncture at Taekjung and Ungyo($GV_{28}$) bloodletting on serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) activity, glutamic pyruvic transaminase activity(GPT), total Protein, Albumin, Alkalin Phosphatase(ALP), ${\gamma}$-GT, lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), total cholesterol and triglyceride were determined. 1) In the Ungyo bloodletting group, GOT, GPT, ALP, ${\gamma}$-GT and LDH activity showed a tendency to decrease compared to those of $CCl_4$ only group and Taekjung acupuncture group. 2) Serum albumin content showed a tendency decrease by treatment of $CCl_4$ and to increase by treatment of Ungyo bloodletting. 3) The values of serum total protein, total cholesterol and triglyceride showed no significant difference among all the treatment groups. 4) All the biological values showed no significant difference between the $CCl_4$ only group and Taekjung acupuncture group except the values of albumin. Results from this study indicate that the Ungyo bloodletting showed the possibility of liver function recovery in liver-harmed rats by $CCl_4$.



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